Hello from Turkey!

Hey everyone!

I recently moved from Daytona Beach Florida, to Ankara Turkey. I just ran out of all the hot sauces that I brought back with me and cant seem to find any potent ones here :banghead: ..this got me thinking, why dont I try and make my own sauce?

I received my seeds on monday, (orange and chocolate habaneros, fatalii, bhut jolokia, naga king,naga viper). Bought an electric propagator and im in the process of building a box for lights and a fan for keeping the plants going until the weather heats up a little.

I've got tons of questions, some already answered by use of the search box, some which im going to need your help. Very informative site by the way, I'm jealous of some of the setups I've seen!

help me get my plants going and ill send you a bottle of hot sauce in around 6-8 months time!
Welcome from Fort Worth...

And watch out for those Turkish women. The sauces there may not be hot, but there's no shortage of hot women there!
Howdy and :welcome: from Oregon. You are going to need a lot of bottles of hot sauce ;)