Hello from Wangco

Hi hotpepper forum! My name is Matt. I have a very small hot sauce company called Wangco (https://www.facebook.com/wangcosauce). I love me some hot sauce, and pretty much anything hot pepper related. I'm currently a college student majoring in botany. I grow all the ingredients I use in my sauce. I am more than willing to help anybody with questions about growing peppers. That's about it. I just thought I would give a quick intro before I dive in to this thing.
"Wang Sauce", lol.
:welcome:  :welcome:  :welcome:

You have awesome labels by the way.

Do you have a page where all of the labels are together and I can see them? Pricing as well? That mr. mustard looks good.
:welcome: from jersey.
Nice looking label. I have to agree with you on the SnS boutique. Just got back from the RnR HOF. Another must stop is the town hall for a milkshake and a growler.
Thanks guys! I have different artist friends do labels for me. I like the new Happy Valley Hellfire label a lot! There is pricing/purchase info at my etsy shop. www.etsy.com/shop/wangco  right now I have the Green Mr. Mustard jalapeno mustard, and Hare-Razer carrot habanero for sale. The other flavors are currently fermenting, and should be available within a few weeks. I have a new smoked jalapeno & corn sauce that is going to be spectacular! I'm calling it Over The Line, Smokey!  :party:  haha, I hope someone gets the Lebowski reference hahaha! @smokin'hot if you want to buy something, I just made a coupon code to give a discount to hotpepper forum folks! pepperforum is the code. Do any of you sell sauce? I'm always looking for something new to try!
Doh! Sorry smokin. I forgot to send you to the label pics. I'll just throw them up here. 




welcome from phoenix Arizona.. nice labels..  many many ppl here make sauces and many will give samples away for you to review..
I lived up in utah for a number of years and went to weber state.. what school are you in?