Hello From Wisconsin

Hey guys,

I've been a lurker here for the past two years finding awesome information and answers to my questions through searches. I thought I would finally say hello and what not.

I've been a plant enthusiast since high school, working in a greenhouse and in my grandmothers gardens got me started. I then went on to pursue botany in college. However, after taking a few Psychology classes switched my major. Now I'm trying to get in to grad school so I can become a clinician. However, my plant obsession didn't die out like my previous major. I started off growing tomatoes and Lots of flowers...One summer I decided to grow a typical orange habanero. That's when my obsession with hot peppers began.

Now I grow a variety of hot peppers that I love to put in foods. I also make lot's of spicy jams and powders to keep me going through the winter.

This is what I'm currently growing and trying to overwinter:

malaysia goronong (from midwestchilipeppers)
Butch T (hippy seed company)
Congo Black (hippy seed company)
Chocolate Habanero (old barn nursery)
yellow 7 pod (old barn nursery)
yellow 7 pod (hippy seed company)
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia (midwestchilipeppers)
Red 7 pod (local plant shop (unknown origin))
Red Brain Strain (local plant shop (unknown origin))
Orange Scotch Bonnet (local plant shop, it actually looks like a scotch bonnet)
Fatali (hippy seed company)
Jamaican yellow (midwestchilipeppers)
Paper Lantern Habanero (farmers market)
Aji Lemon (midwestchilipeppers)

I'm really wanting to grow 7 pot primos, devils tongue, 7 pot douglahs, yellow bhuts, and orange scorpions for the next season along with the plants I'm already growing.

Do any of you have any advice about where to get good douglah seeds? I was thinking about buying them from the old barn nursery, but theirs look different than pepper lovers. what are your thoughts?
Hi and welcome from western Massachusetts. Pepperlover has great stuff, no question. You might want to cross-check with JungleRain.com... Grant has some great stuff too.
Hi from So Cal.You can get Primos straight from the source. Primo is a member here so send him a pm. Also the 7 Pod Browns that pepperlover sells I highly recommend. They just need a long growing season. Douglahs seem to not need as long a season and produce more pods. You might want to check for those there also.
Hi cricket----you sure are strange for a Wisconsin guy; Tea to drink with hot food and a longboarder!!!! Are you sure you live in Wisconsin? Do you watch Rams and 49ers football games?

Anyway :welcome: and if you get over to Door County give me a yell.
:welcome: to THP and Greetings from the Metrolina in North Carolina !
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]"The taste is followed by a vicious hot spicy bite"[/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] [/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] :flamethrower:[/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] [/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] :onfire:[/background]