Hello - I'm new


I am new to this board and would like to offer a bit of an intro if I may.
I have been gardening, on and off, my whole life.  I grew up in a small town in NE Ohio at a time and place where nearly everyone had a garden.  I helped my dad tend our garden which grew a regular variety of staples for our table.  I don't remember ever growing any peppers but Cali Wonder bell peppers and until this year I had never grown anything else either.
Last year I decided to start some of my own plants and came upon Baker Creek Seeds online and ordered some tomato seed along with a few other veggies, but no peppers.  Well, last winter I received their seed catalog in the mail - it was beautiful!  I wanted some of everything in there - including all those fascinating peppers.
Unfortunately I don't have growing space for everything so I ended up planting Lemon Drop, Sandia, Black Hungarian, Poblano, Orange Bell and Corno di Toro Red.  (It was while looking for more info on the Black Hungarian that I happened upon TheHotPepper).  Our local grocery stores have a minuscule selection of peppers.  I can choose from Bell, Jalapeno,  Orange Hab, Poblano and sometimes Yellow Wax so you can imagine I am excited to see what my plants this year produce.  Gardening is so infectious I know most of you understand just what I mean about the excitement of new varieties.
cone9 said:
I am new to this board and would like to offer a bit of an intro if I may.
I have been gardening, on and off, my whole life.  I grew up in a small town in NE Ohio at a time and place where nearly everyone had a garden.  I helped my dad tend our garden which grew a regular variety of staples for our table.  I don't remember ever growing any peppers but Cali Wonder bell peppers and until this year I had never grown anything else either.
Last year I decided to start some of my own plants and came upon Baker Creek Seeds online and ordered some tomato seed along with a few other veggies, but no peppers.  Well, last winter I received their seed catalog in the mail - it was beautiful!  I wanted some of everything in there - including all those fascinating peppers.
Unfortunately I don't have growing space for everything so I ended up planting Lemon Drop, Sandia, Black Hungarian, Poblano, Orange Bell and Corno di Toro Red.  (It was while looking for more info on the Black Hungarian that I happened upon TheHotPepper).  Our local grocery stores have a minuscule selection of peppers.  I can choose from Bell, Jalapeno,  Orange Hab, Poblano and sometimes Yellow Wax so you can imagine I am excited to see what my plants this year produce.  Gardening is so infectious I know most of you understand just what I mean about the excitement of new varieties.
Welcome!  What's been your favorite so far and what is your heat tolerance?  
:welcome:  from sunny South Florida!  :woohoo:
Thanks all.  I've been reading here a lot - a wealth of info to be had.  I even picked up a Walmart bag on Sunday to try growing one of my peppers in.
I have been looking about here and other sites  and assembling a list of varieties I want to try next year - so many peppers, so little time(if I may paraphrase another saying).
mstang1988 said:
Welcome!  What's been your favorite so far and what is your heat tolerance?  
Of the kinds I'm growing, I have only eaten the Poblano.  I'm especially looking forward to tasting the Lemon Drop.  I'm interested to try a number of different hots and see how well I can get beyond the heat and appreciate the flavor beneath.  I'm not too interested in the super hots.  For me, a habanero is pretty darn hot.  I don't eat them straight but like to cook with them.

Jetchuka said:
Welcome from NJ !!
Wait till you see the varieties we'll convince you to plant next year :D
I will welcome suggestions (well...maybe - the is The Hot Pepper afterall!)
Honestly I can't imagine how some of you guys can eat some of the peppers you eat.  Perhaps my eyes will soon be opened (and burning) to that experience as well!