Hello to all Chili Pepper members!

I'm new here but hope to learn all about the COMPLETE LINE OF all the peppers there are in this world! (and if any members here have been to other world's and know about their peppers there, I'd like to know about them too!) I'm interested in learning about what type of peppers are grown in what countries and when they are harvested there and how I may go about obatining some of them . I want to grow some of them as well as using some of them for myself.
I also want to know where I may purchase "several strands of these peppers " so I may use them in decorating my house". I'd like to have at least 50 to 75 strands of these peppers in red,green, yellow and their discription of them of them.
If you know other web sites where I may purchase other peppers and their strands,lights,and seeds I would be interested in those too!
Glad to be aboard this forum as I do indeed like peppers of ALL KINDS!
Bob R. Hess
bobrhess@yahoo.com :onfire: :party: :hell: :hot: :welcome: :rofl:
:welcome:  from sunny South Florida! :woohoo: