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pests help, aphids, should i spray all plants?

Hi, i got aphids (black small) on 2 of my 31 plants. I got som spray to use on them, but should i do it on all plants? I have checked all the other plants and cant see anything. Does the aphids move from one plant to another with contact between the plants or can they jump?
aphids have wings and can fly...they also jump, crawl, run, and sometimes they crawfish :)
I would treat the surrounding plants....maybe not all of them but definitely the ones closest to them...
I am not familiar with black aphids so I can not answer that question...soapy water works on all insects that "breathe" through their exoskeleton/skin
ok, i did see on a norwegian page that the green one was ok to kill with water and soap but the black one needed something stronger. But if i try with water and soap, what type of soap and is it ok that it get in the soil? I have some spray that have pyrethrins and canola oil in it.
dawn dish washing detergent is what I use...any mile soap will work....what the soap is doing is stopping up the pores on the outside of the aphid....if you want to keep them from flying, spray with coke....the syrup in the coke "glues" their wings down so they can't fly...
AlabamaJack said:
dawn dish washing detergent is what I use...any mile soap will work....what the soap is doing is stopping up the pores on the outside of the aphid....if you want to keep them from flying, spray with coke....the syrup in the coke "glues" their wings down so they can't fly...
That works great...my grandpa use to boil coke down and concentrate it and then mix with small amout of water and spray the bastards..worked for him but that's a lot of work..
Do a search on the net. I found one, 2 tablespoon dish wash liquid for a gallon of water, stir, spray.
I have used with green/red aphids, it works - with those you spray. If there are new coming aphids next day, no effect.
I think you can crush some garlic and use the juice in this mix.
If the plants are in pots, you can hold the pot on one side,so the liquid will drop outside the pot (most of it). Or you can put a paper/newspaper/alu foil under the plant (potted or gardened).
Ladybugs reminds me of that episode of Trailer Park Boys when Ricky's marijuana plants got infested with aphids and he got some ladybugs hahaha.
Ladybugs, soap and water, or neem oil is the way to go.
Next year you can spray your plants beforehand so prevent the aphids from coming back.
pwb said:
ok, i got some neem oil, but the only one i could find was this, could i use it? http://www.dr.hauschka.com/en_GB/products/neem-hair-oil/
About soap, i have some soap (grønnsåpe) i think its called pine sol in US?
how much pine sol in water?
If i could use that neem oil, how much in water?
Pine-sol is a detergent, avoid any of those.
You're looking for something like Dr.Bronners, a castile soap.
I use 5ml per litre, equal amount of soap to emulsify, though you can get away with less. Blenders work well to properly emulsify. Warm water is key, about 70*F. Cold water will cause it to seize up, clogging sprayers. Three to four applications are usually sufficient, depending on the pest.
Alternatively you can dope it up with sesame, canola, rosemary, et al, but I highly recommend researching each one, some will burn the shiet out of plants ie. thyme oil.
5ml per litre is an average dose, I've used anywhere from 1 to 15ml per litre. Standard disclaimer to test on a smaller area.
I've sprayed as often as every 3 days for mites, but I think every 4-5 days would suffice for aphids. Spray after sun down/lights out or you risk burning foliage. Mix just as much as you need, it doesn't store well.
A good read if you're interested.
Oh yeah. Whoa. I was coming back to edit/add, for one to mention to get cold pressed neem preferably, and re-checked that link you posted prior. Hopefully not what you ordered? That particular product is a mixture for hair.