Coincidentally, I was playing with LED wavelength choices today as well.
Not sure I understand your wavelength choices.
450nm seems a little too far from the strong, and rather narrow, Chlor B absorption peak at that happen at 480nm. Yea, 450 tickles the carotenes, but so would an ideal 480.
Also, the red Chlo A peak is closer to 670~680 than 650. The Chlor B peak at 650 is not very strong. I wonder if it could be skipped altogether.
I came up with three frequencies.
435nm ChA
480nm ChB and Carotenes. Since this is the main ChB, and will also be energizing the carotenes, I was thinking of throwing in more of these emitters.
670~680 for the second ChA peak, and to add some generic 'red' to the mix for the plant's peace of mind.
Finding affordable, sufficiently powerful LEDs may be the hard part. I haven't done much Fleabay searching yet, but did discover that a pure 435 emitter is hard to find. The typical advertized wavelength is "420~435," which will, I suppose, have to be close enough!
Fan requirements will follow the size of the heatsink you nail everything to. A big finned piece of extruded aluminum should be able to radiate quite a bit of power w/o any help.