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indoor Help growing indoor/outdoor

I have just recently begun learning about growing hot peppers and have been giving it a try for a couple of months now. I'm not having the best of luck, however. I have one habanero plant that I've bought, and a few scotch bonnets that I've germinated from seed. All of which are giving me trouble.

The habanero looked great and perfectly healthy when I first picked it up from the nursery. My little bonnets looked great when they first germinated as well, but it's as if I have the touch of death or something. The habanero plant is continually having it's blossoms and leaves fall off, stunted growth, it's leaves turning a little yellow at the end, and the leaves bulging out a bit in places. I have before / after photos to share as well. My scotch bonnets are looking much healthier the way that I'm raising my "second attempts" (as I affectionately call them :P), but they are still experiencing the enigmatic "leaf bulgi...ness" that my store-bought habanero is. This leads me to believe that it's maybe something I'm doing?

P.S. the scotch bonnets that I'm growing from seed weren't bought. I literally took them out of a pepper after I had made hot sauce (well, technically before...but you get the idea :P). Maybe that's useful info?

...I'm also not sure how to upload my own images to this post as they're local to my computer and not an Internet URL, as is seemingly my only option for posting pictures according to this post editor.
for the pictures go to a site like photobucket (or even that one) create and account. upload your pictures to that site. Then you can post the urls here. Its pretty easy once you do it once..
as far as your problems..
I dunno man.. lol. I am facing similar issues.
Maybe give some more info as to what they are in soil wise?
any fertilizers for the bigger ones? or for any of them?
i honestly dont know if this matters or not (and im about to ask in my own topic) but softened water or strait from the well??

Here's a walk thru on how to post pics, by Josh.

Here's a walk thru on how to post pics, by Josh.

goood topic. Lotta places should have that.

and multi. those are some puffy leaves.. well the first ones. the 2nd pic doesnt look bad at all to me. But then again im not very experienced in the pepper world.
Hopefully someone can help out.
Start paying less attention to the chile plants before you kill them with too much attention.
Chile plants want to live and they are very unpicky about environmental conditions.
Welcome to the forum mate, from Australia!

Hope you find all you need here! I was not long ago, in your position of education, but you learn so much so fast, and you never stop learning!!

Keep it hot!
Alright, so the solution to all of my chili plants exhibiting the same odd characteristics before they die and I have to start anew is to not do anything? Is that correct? That doesn't satisfy me. I mean, it would if they looked healthy, in which case I would only water them and check on them every once in a while. For the sake of cause and effect, and in the name of learning, I'd like to find a solution, or at least understand what is going on with my chili's leaves.