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help identify a chilli

Greetings,this is my first post on this forum :)
i am a big chillihead,i love hot food and i want totry something new.
I've been eating ordinary hot chillis we grow in Romania,there are some pictures:
Can anyone tell me what chillis these are?ive been eating these for some years,and they are damn hot when i take a good bite.
Also ive been eating very hot ketchup,the hottest ketchup i could find in ROmania(Tomi xtra hot).

I want to buy a tabasco sauce,ive never tried it before ,and i read some reviews on the internet,some said the flavour is very bad and it's not hot at all,some say it's cool and tasty.Should i buy it?my local supermarket sells original tabasco pepper sauce.if i can find tabasco habanero sauce,shall i buy it?cause i fear the orignal one won't be very hot.so shall i buy any of these?are they worth it?

thx in advance :)
The first one looks like a friariello pepper to me, at least the larger peppers in the picture. As for the second one, I really don't know. Everyone will have there own opinion on tabasco. I don't think it very spicy but I also don't really like the taste compared to other sauces. It's up to you. Can't hurt to try it.
Personally I find them to taste quite a bit more like vinegar than anything else.

If you like that flavor profile, it will be great.

I don't particularly like the taste of vinegar in hotsauce however.
i dont like vinegar either,another alternatives?


I don´t like the standard Tabasco sauce at all....too much vinegar, too little heat. Tabasco habanero sauce on the other hand is much better. It´s not crazy hot, but hotter than the original with MUCH better taste (subjective opinion)... If you can find some, give it a try, you might like it...

Best wishes!
Welll been thinking about getting tabas ohabanero,but i cant find it at my local supermarkets,im gonna have to dig deeper.
I hope this sauce is not too hot for me,I mean I like hot things but not something that could render my tongue unusable for some time :)

If i cant find even this sauce,what other alternatives are for someone as beginner like me?And I dont mean the tabasco brand,can be any brand that is widely available

thx for the responses
One of my favorite hot sauces that are usually available is sriracha. Its a garlic based sauce that doesn't have that vinegar taste. Its also not too spicy, but still nice. I would suggest trying that at least to start. If you want something spicier there are a lot of people who make hot sauce on this forum. where in romania are you from? I was just there not too long ago, and have some family there.
Might I suggest making your own?

You can use a number of alternative acids (heard of citric acid, or Vitamin C (an acid) etc... Just need to make sure that the product is acidic.
+1 to sriracha and tabasco habanero. For hot sauces that you can find everywhere it doesn't get much better. No overwhelming vinegar flavor either. I've never been able to make a hot sauce with citric acid personally. Too sour tasting for me to enjoy. But try a few things out and see what you like! Vinegar flavor can be neutralized with fruity flavors, carrots, or sugar.

The second peppers there might be some type of long cayenne? Around here they're called all sorts of things, including 'Long Hot'. We get them around here in the store but I couldn't tell you for the life of me why they sell them still green!