Help identifying deficiency

Need some help tracking down what is missing with my hydroponic habanero plant.  Lately I've been seeing leaves like this.  Still fairly random and overall plant health looks good.  Solution is at a pH of 6.0 at 70 Fahrenheit.  I first thought potassium since the solution was running lean on potassium, but it looks almost like zinc or chloride deficiency now.

Any help is appreciated.
Hawaiianero said:
Looks more like too close to lights. You got a fan blowing on them too?
I do have a fan on them.  Could be too close I'll have to check to see if there are any underneath.  I think these mostly came from the top.
joogiebop509 said:
Ayeyayeye more things to research :)  Thanks.
So I verified that there are discoloured leaves beneath the canopy so I don't think it is an issue of too close to the light.  After looking up Cu deficiency it is another possibility.  