Help identifying problem please

Hi guys, I have 2 sick bhut jolokias, I'm thinking either nutrient burn (unlikely as I don't think I feed them too much) or cal/mag deficiency? Any ideas or help appreciated, the photos aren't the best but the shriveling/ crinkly leaves is the problem!


Epsom salt foliar spray worth a try?
Epsom foliar is always a good safe try I think. Your right in that the soil could have to much Nitrogen in it and could cause the puckering. If thats the case water flushing and rains will eventually correct it. Sometimes insect damage can cause that look to.

Good luck
That doesn't look like the start of fert burn. Fert burn starts with depressed and raised areas in the leaves, but doesn't make them come out skinny. What those have looks mostly like mite damage. Treat for mites, even if you can't see them, as some mites are too small to be seen with the naked eye. Get a jeweler's loupe of at least x30 strength if you want to try to see them.
I did think of mites but was hoping it wasn't! Ill try all 3 suggestions today, re-pot in fresh soil, treat for mites and an Epsom foliar spray, will give them a week and post some pics! Thanks for the help
     Did the leaves (new growth) start off looking normal and then shrivel up, or did they emerge from the meristems stunted and curly from the get-go? If it's the latter, look into herbicide damage (specifically growth regulators like 2,4-D). 
     This spring, every single shoot on every one of my 40 plants looked like the plants in your pics, many worse. They were tiny, thick, irregularly-shaped and had wavy mid veins. (I can look for some pics if it would help.) After doing some "research" (looked online), I was sure I had a broad mite infestation. But I sent some samples to a university entomologist and he said there were no mites and that it was likely herbicide damage. Sure enough, I just let the plants ride it out and they all grew out of it.
     Growth regulator herbicides tend localize themselves to areas of rapid growth (meristems) in the plants, so trimming off the affected might help them recover, too.
     Good luck!
dash 2 said:
     Did the leaves (new growth) start off looking normal and then shrivel up, or did they emerge from the meristems stunted and curly from the get-go? If it's the latter, look into herbicide damage (specifically growth regulators like 2,4-D). 
     This spring, every single shoot on every one of my 40 plants looked like the plants in your pics, many worse. They were tiny, thick, irregularly-shaped and had wavy mid veins. (I can look for some pics if it would help.) After doing some "research" (looked online), I was sure I had a broad mite infestation. But I sent some samples to a university entomologist and he said there were no mites and that it was likely herbicide damage. Sure enough, I just let the plants ride it out and they all grew out of it.
     Growth regulator herbicides tend localize themselves to areas of rapid growth (meristems) in the plants, so trimming off the affected might help them recover, too.
     Good luck!
Thanks for the info, the plants don't seem to have got any worse since I treated them with a miticide, I used a product called Mancozeb by Yates, it also treats for some other bugs aswell... Will give them a foliar spray of Epsom salt solution this weekend and then leave them for a good week or 2 only watering when needed with no nutes/ferts, and see how they go, might give them a bit of a prune too, as spring is just starting here it won't hurt, hopefully they'll bounce back In no time :)
Hey guys just found these eggs under a couple of the leaves, could well be the source of the problem, does anyone know what they belong to? The pictures aren't that great but they're small and white eggs and there's a small hole at the top where something has crawled out of! :-/
