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Help! It's my 3rd year growing and my plants look the worst ever.....

I don't have a good camera at the moment (loaned it out for a bit) but quite a few of my plants are looking strange. Wierd new growth that's curled and distorted. I haven't reallly fertlilized yet. I'll get pics up soon.
That is about the time I started to see them on mine. I haven't been able to get rid of them yet, just control them. I have been spraying with soapy water every 3 days since and all the plants have rebounded and are growing great with the exception of a couple of the 7 pods I went without spraying for just over a week. Seems the aphids noticed this and moved in.:( New growth is looking a little distorted. They will rebound though, just have to be dilligent until the ladybugs arrive. Of course, if they don't soon, I will have to buy some.

Good luck!
Just checked my worst plant and not a single aphid. I had a cross last year that looked similar. Is that possible a cross could cause this?
Got the camera back.


Yeah, they don't look too bad to me either. I had some plants do that as well. They grew out of it. Maybe after I started to fertilize......not sure though.

Are you sure you don't have a problem with mexican aphids that smoke yer mom's tobacco and than eat some of your peppers' leaves as a salad?? j/k
I've also had some weird leaf growth on my plants so far. Weird twisted parts and a some missing a section...very odd. I've been giving a weekly dose of 8-16-8 fert for 3 weeks now. Hope they end up growing out of it as well.
Just gotta realize that not every plant you have is gonna be perfect ya know? Let em do their thing... they'll come out of it
I dopped 6 plants this year too. All but one survived. The lone casualty was a brain strain.:( Luckily I have another.

Curious; have they gotten magnesium and calcium? A 3 part fert doesn't supply these nutes. If you're not over watering, then look into the micro nutes end of things.
I am curious about something. The plants all look quite healthy even with the twisted leaves. Did you start the seeds in those peat pots or did you pot up to that? The reason I ask is it looks like it is on the second and third sets of leaves which is when I pot up. So, maybe it is something that happened during potting up? Just a thought. Either way, I do not think it will affect the plants.

AjarnV said:
Curious; have they gotten magnesium and calcium? A 3 part fert doesn't supply these nutes. If you're not over watering, then look into the micro nutes end of things.

I watered with magnesium now, I've never used calcium before. Any way to add it to water easy before watering as opposed to eggshells, lime or bone meal? I heard of people using milk or rolaids.

jjs7741 said:
I am curious about something. The plants all look quite healthy even with the twisted leaves. Did you start the seeds in those peat pots or did you pot up to that? The reason I ask is it looks like it is on the second and third sets of leaves which is when I pot up. So, maybe it is something that happened during potting up? Just a thought. Either way, I do not think it will affect the plants.


I potted up to those pots.