help me fight ANTS!

hi there, OP here!
just to close this topic ...
after trying many different methods, I managed to get my hands on boric acid.
I mixed 1 spoon of BA with 3 spoons of sugar, added water to get it to a thick, syrupy consistence and put it on aluminium foil on the tracks ...
after 1 hr. the alum. foil was black with ants ...
after 1 day (and some free refills) the ants got scarcer and scarcer and now after about 40 hrs my house is really ant free for the first time in months (I am not too worried about the odd ant I keep seeing)
no more black trails in different rooms, etc...
so boric acid and sugarwater did the trick. quite cheap too, about 5 bucks for a 10 year supply of BA.
just thought I'd share this information
PHB said:
I don't know.  I used to watch a cartoon where an anteater chased the same ant around every episode and never caught it.
Pepperhead said:
I don't know.  I used to watch a cartoon where an anteater chased the same ant around every episode and never caught it.
The blue ones are well known for their inefficiency...

The hairy ones suck :D
after 1 day (and some free refills) the ants got scarcer and scarcer and now after about 40 hrs my house is really ant free for the first time in months (I am not too worried about the odd ant I keep seeing)
Free refills, hehehe. Boric Acid (aka Borax) is great. Cheap and effective, just make sure pets and kids stay out of it because it is toxic if eaten. 
PepperWhisperer said:
Free refills, hehehe. Boric Acid (aka Borax) is great. Cheap and effective, just make sure pets and kids stay out of it because it is toxic if eaten.
Yep, should be mentioned over and over... Better be save than sorry

Cheers Al
For the first 5 summers in the house we currently live in, we have had ant issues, mostly outside, some inside.  We tried just about everything until we found the product I will provide a link to below.  Ants swarm these bait stations if they are near their path or hill.  I don't know if it's the active ingredient or what, but they feed on these stations for a couple of days and we don't see them for the rest of the summer.  And we have literally tried powders, liquids, numerous other bait stations and nothing worked like the following.....
We havent had more than 2 days of ant issues every year since I found these.  You won't be disappointed.
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Besides attacking the ants in you house look around out side and do the same out there with the sweetener that way your sure to get them. I take baking powder and powdered sugar and add a tiny amount of water and put some of the mix next to the nest. We had fire ants try and get stared I used the mix and two days later the whole colony was dead. Basically the baking powder causes them to blow up.
I've place peeled garlic cloves on anthills around patio doors in the past (to avoid insecticides because of pets and kids) and they clear out pretty quick... maybe throw a few cloves into your pots.

Might be a cheap solution, and an added benefit may be that your peppers are even MORE delicious this year!