Help Me Figure Out What I have Happening

Here are pictures to help, because I am not sure how to explain it besides leaves turning yellow and dropping (mainly larger bottom leaves but some smaller leaves)
moruga welder said:
hot and humid there like it is here ? keep em on the dry side if it is , but other than that , normal . Don't fret it !       :onfire:
Yes it's a tad bit warm, kind of humid, just watered yesterday, I have been waiting till the leaves show it's time for water (drooping). I am just worried since they have started to fall more frequently, but the rest of the plant seems healthy, insects finding flowers now so I have a ton of peppers popping up. Just want to try to catch anything before it gets bad....(worried father :crazy: ?)
No worries man, it'll happen. Just be sure to not over water, and only water at the base unless you're doing a foliar feed spray. Down here the leaves will wilt every day, then perk back up at night. So I know to water when the leaves aren't perky at sunrise.