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soil Help me fix my soil pH!

I bought a Hanna 98107 pH meter. I calibrated it using 4ph and 7ph solution as directed. I tested three different soils by mixing 1 part soil, 3 parts distilled water. The "parts" were measured in grams. For example 8gm soil mixed into 24 grams distilled water. My results:

  • raised bed mix - 8.0 pH
  • potting mix - 7.5 pH
  • germinating mix (from gardeners supply) - 6.7 pH

The raised bed mix and potting mix i'm putting seedlings into red cups are the same. I made the soil mix, they consist of 1/3 different composts, 1/3 peat moss, and 1/3 vermiculite. The raised bed is one year old. I tested the raised bed in two different areas and still got 8pH. My peppers are not going to like this!

What can i do to decrease the pH in my raised bed?

What can i do to decrease the pH in my red cups?
I've always used leaf compost to lower mine but there are easier ways out there to get acid into your soil. I do remember reading somewhere that oak leaves in particular have a higher tannin acid content. Otherwise, there are plenty of storebought solutions out there (essentially adding sulfur, urea, etc.).
Two materials commonly used for lowering the soil pH are aluminum sulfate and sulfur. These can be found at a garden supply center. Aluminum sulfate will change the soil pH instantly because the aluminum produces the acidity as soon as it dissolves in the soil. Sulfur, however, requires some time for the conversion to sulfuric acid with the aid of soil bacteria. The conversion rate of the sulfur is dependent on the fineness of the sulfur, the amount of soil moisture, soil temperature and the presence of the bacteria.
go here to how much to use to change soil ph
I have problems with soil pH because my tap waters pH is 7.8, you can use white or apple cider vinegar to lower it,
start at 1/2 Tbsp added to 1 Gal water and adjust from there, careful not to add too much as it can kill your plants.
I'm no expert and I too have the Hannah PH meter and will be taking a reading of my soil. This is directly from Hannah Instruments website on how to test soil:

How do I measure pH & EC in soil with extraction method?
Extraction method to measure pH & EC is as follow. 1- Mix 3 oz. of soil with 6 oz. of water 2- Let mixture stand 15-20 minutes 3- Filter liquid into clean cup 4- Measure

It looks like a 2:1 ratio, maybe your reading was off a bit by the additional water you added?