Help me pick what to grow in my grow tent with my homemade 6-module DWC hydro system **verdict is in

Poll has been deleted since I didn't get any participation with voting..but I do appreciate the opinions so keep them coming...grow and seed lists are in first post....

Get yur pull!!!

shit i knew i forgot to do something, sorry buddy.  i vote Trinidad scorpion orange pepper and purple jalapeno or the Albino bullnose pepper
magicpepper said:
shit i knew i forgot to do something, sorry buddy.  i vote Trinidad scorpion orange pepper and purple jalapeno or the Albino bullnose pepper
Thanks bud...I was really thinking about cloning the cherry for 3 of the modules and doing peter peppers for the other 3...hmmm I can't make up my damn mind lol
so many choices, its hard to make up your mind lol
i am going through the same thing.   how limited are you for space?   and really you wont have to worry about cross pollination unless the plants are touching each other you have wind in the house or you have bugs in your house, all peppers and tomato's self pollinate. and even if they do cross pollinate you will have some nice cross' going on.  id say grow one of each plant you really want to grow indoors then start your grow for outside in january with the rest lol
magicpepper said:
so many choices, its hard to make up your mind lol
i am going through the same thing.   how limited are you for space?   and really you wont have to worry about cross pollination unless the plants are touching each other you have wind in the house or you have bugs in your house, all peppers and tomato's self pollinate. and even if they do cross pollinate you will have some nice cross' going on.  id say grow one of each plant you really want to grow indoors then start your grow for outside in january with the rest lol
My grow tent is 7'x7'x7' with a 600w HPS....
sp33d said:
I was really thinking about cloning the cherry for 3 of the modules and doing peter peppers for the other 3
     I don't mean to shit on your parade, sp33d. But don't you think you'll get bored with those?
49 squared feet of floor space inside the tent. thats not bad, hell if you did square foot gardening you could get away with at least 24 plants with enough room between them lol
I don't think I would dash, the way I look at it is that as long as it's a pepper it's not boring....

Either way I'm going to go with..... Drum roll please...................................................................................

Peter pepper!!! I have 3 colors so I will make it a calico grow of peters.. :)

So basically I'm going to have a tent full of colorful penis ha!!

Going to be fun and interesting..

Thanks for all the input folks.. :)


hogleg said:
ah hell no. really? the peter pecker er i mean pepper.  :rofl:
what do they taste like? I have never had one
I haven't eaten one in quite some time and the one I did taste was pickled... I remember it being pretty damn hot.. I am a huge fan of pickling and canning so I will most certainly be pickling and canning lots of these...
sp33d said:
My grow tent is 7'x7'x7' with a 600w HPS....
That may be pushing a 600 watt bulb a bit, but since you picked annuums, they won't get that large. . When I read you had a 7x7 tent, I just assumed that you had a 1000watt bulb. Try to keep the plants withing a 5x5 area in the tent and keep the bulb 24'-30" above the leaf canopy.
Honestly I wouldn't grow anything on that list.  IMO something tasty yet warm enough to keep you happy would be the answer.  MoA Scotch Bonnets or a Bahamian Goat comes to mind.  
Jeff H said:
That may be pushing a 600 watt bulb a bit, but since you picked annuums, they won't get that large. . When I read you had a 7x7 tent, I just assumed that you had a 1000watt bulb. Try to keep the plants withing a 5x5 area in the tent and keep the bulb 24'-30" above the leaf canopy.
Yeah I was thinking about upgrading to 1000w but honestly I really think the 600w will work for what I'm doing has worked for me for other things in same size tent if you know what I mean...and if in the end for some reason it doesn't produce what I'm looking for, off to the hydro store I go to get a ballast and bulb...;)
I wanna see your flood table setup Jeff..;)
Jamison said:
Honestly I wouldn't grow anything on that list.  IMO something tasty yet warm enough to keep you happy would be the answer.  MoA Scotch Bonnets or a Bahamian Goat comes to mind.
Damn, nothing at all from my list of seed collection? And the peter peppers have some decent heat, from what I remember but nothing close to the bonnets lol
Your avatar is awesome, I know I have told you that before ..;)
But either way I'm rolling with the peter....
Thanks bud..:)
sp33d said:
Yeah I was thinking about upgrading to 1000w but honestly I really think the 600w will work for what I'm doing has worked for me for other things in same size tent if you know what I mean...and if in the end for some reason it doesn't produce what I'm looking for, off to the hydro store I go to get a ballast and bulb... ;)
I wanna see your flood table setup Jeff.. ;)
Check out my glog this year. from the 1st page through April or so when I took it out of commission because all the other plants were getting too big. Honestly, the hydro stuff is a lot of fun, but after several years of growing and propagating peppers year round, I'm looking forward to a break this fall for at least a few months until I plant new seeds for next year.   Been so busy this year, I haven't been to the gun range once. I bet my Highpower buddies think I have abandoned them.
I did bunches of hydro last year and even did something similar to your idea last year as an outdoor grow, but they were dutch buckets instead of DWC. Details of that are in last years glog.
Best of luck to you.