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Help my Apricot

What this could be ?? it started with the second set of leaves and it effect all new growth. after a while the light green will turn dark with small brown and light green spots around the leaves but it is getting worse :cry: :cry:

Any help would be appreciated



Here what it looked 2 weeks ago

what are you feeding it exactly, thats always the first thing you should look at imo?
it looks like a problem with poorly mobile elements since it looks like its only on the newest leaves, and is moving from the midrib towards the margins as the leaf expands. it looks like general veinal chlorosis which could be zinc mangnese copper etc.

could just be funkyness tho, insnects of some sort...poor ph, nutrient buildup in the soil... pesticides... who knows.
I'm not feeding them anything still, but the problem started with the second set of leaves but they look better after a while. out of 20 plants using same soil this is the only one that looks like that :(

They will turn dark green with just small spots of brown and light green around the leaves. you can see that the tip of the leave is already healing up with small light spots.

i don't think that there is any insects as they have been inside the house the whole time.

maybe nutrient buildup in the soil only in this plant? i'm not sure
ive feed it a dose of some water soluble micronutrients chelates. are they not outside? why are you not feeding them yet? i start basting mine at like half stregnth when they have their first set of leaves like every 3rd or 4th watering. way later they get 2ec nutrient solution non stop. the only flushing they get is when it rains!... or when i forget to dose up the reservoir.
It is still very cold in Finland " around -5c" so i was waiting till they go outside then i can start feeding them. i thought the fresh soil was enough till then.
If it's the only one and it's correcting itself I wouldn't spend too much time worrying about it. Too many possibilities to narrow it down with the minimal info. You might want to start feeding them at a reduced rate. If the rest of your plants look better than that one you're obviously doing something right.
you can see how bad the second set of leaves looked in the old pictures, then they became much better after a while with just light spots around as you can see in the new picture.

maybe i'll try to flush it then start feeding at reduced rate after it dries,

Thank you all