Help! Mystery Fungus?

Alright gang, I'm calling in the brain-trust on this one.
I've noticed these small, nodules on the underside of new(er) growth leaves on a mature Carolina Reaper I was gifted as a seedling. The nodules have been present for most of the summer, but haven't seemed to be responsible for any ill-effects other than minor blotchy discoloration of old leaves in the upper canopy. 
My first thought was powdery mildew, but it seems to be somewhat localized and not spreading to other plants, nor is it loosing leaves or productivity.  (it's next to a Trinidad Scorpion and Bhut Jolokia)
Here's the cliff's notes:
  • Nodules present on the underside of younger leaves (fig 1) 
    Fig 1.jpg
  • Minor blotchy discoloration of older leaves (fig 2) 
    Fig 2.jpg
Conspicuous lack of symptoms:
  • Most older leaves asymptomatic (Fig 3)
    Fig 3.jpg
  • No leaf drop
  • No loss of fruit production
  • seemingly non-contagious
Anyone have a clue on this one? TIA!
Perhaps Oedema ?
Oedema is a physiological disorder that develops when roots take up water faster than it can be used by the plant or transpired through the leaves. Water pressure builds up in the internal cells of the leaves causing them to burst, leaving dead cells that are visible as a blister, primarily on the undersides of leaves