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Help Needed - Brown Stripes On Peppers

Hi Everyone - I am new to growing peppers. I started a few plants from seed and they appear to be doing just fine.

I purchased a "Super Chile" hybrid from a popular commercial home improvement chain, and everything appeared to be normal until a few days later I noticed that the curved sides of the peppers appeared to developing what appeared to be brown "skid marks".

I removed the peppers that appeared to have these symptoms.

I cut the peppers open, and the inner fruit appears to be 100% healthy looking, with the discoloring only appearing on the skin.

Can anyone provide some insight and instructions regarding this? Thanks so much!


(I'm posting both links and the photos - since I don't see an option to upload photos)

Inside the pepper: http://flic.kr/p/cbfkDw
Outside the peppers: http://flic.kr/p/cbfknW

Its just anthocyanin pigment giving your pods a protective purple sun-tan. No need to worry. Pods will still ripen to red or whatever color they are supposed to

And welcome to the forum!!
Thank you so much! I wish I didn't cut off a handful of peppers =/

I am glad that I found such a great community. I'm also growing long-hots (which variety - I'm not sure - seeds were from peppers I purchased at a farm stand last year). I've read that clipping the first round of fruits early is beneficial for developing a plant that produces volume .... is this true? I was kinda hoping on letting them vine-ripen so I could make red sauces that taste sweet....
Personally I usually only pick flowers/pods off of small C. annuum plants that grow big pods. Let them get big enough to support tonnes of heavy pods.
Try a site search, this is talked about quite a bit here
:welcome: from the Pacific NorthWest!

+1 Potawie
I will, and thanks again! In the meantime I'm sautéing the peppers I thought were ruined in cocoa butter and using them to top a burrito for lunch lol.