Help my peppers were doing great and now the leaves are starting to turn yellow and fall off some of them have purple on them also. I was only top watering them and decided to try bottom watering one night and afterwards they started turning yellow I haven't watered them since and the top couple of inches are dry but they are not coming out of it.
I have 8 40 watt T12 Â 6500k bulbs and up until now I have had them on 24/7 and now I put them on a timer for 20 on 4 off. I do have a computer fan on them 24/7 and the temp always hangs around 80 degrees. The medium is Schultz orchid mix and Burpee organic seed starting mix. Could they be sun burnt or nutrient deficient?
I have 8 40 watt T12 Â 6500k bulbs and up until now I have had them on 24/7 and now I put them on a timer for 20 on 4 off. I do have a computer fan on them 24/7 and the temp always hangs around 80 degrees. The medium is Schultz orchid mix and Burpee organic seed starting mix. Could they be sun burnt or nutrient deficient?