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Help Peppers in Trouble

Help my peppers were doing great and now the leaves are starting to turn yellow and fall off some of them have purple on them also. I was only top watering them and decided to try bottom watering one night and afterwards they started turning yellow I haven't watered them since and the top couple of inches are dry but they are not coming out of it.
I have 8 40 watt T12  6500k bulbs and up until now I have had them on 24/7 and now I put them on a timer for 20 on 4 off. I do have a computer fan on them 24/7 and the temp always hangs around 80 degrees. The medium is Schultz orchid mix and Burpee organic seed starting mix. Could they be sun burnt or nutrient deficient?
I forgot to post my grow list.
Carolina Reaper,Thai Dragon,7 Pot Yellow, Orange Habanero,Ghost Pepper,Orange Peter Pepper,Cherry Red, Aji Crystal,Early Jalapeno, Doux Long des Landes,and California Wonder.
They look pretty dry. I think they need a good drink. Bottom watering didn't allow water to get up to the root system on the young seedlings. Whereas top watering does.
  That looks like coco. You need to water, check your water and or nutrient pH as well. If you can check the pH of your grow medium as well.
SO I thought they might be nutrient deficient so I watered them with 1 tbs per gallon of MG 15-30-15 and I think they look better already. As far as re potting should I go to a straight Orchid mix or just plain potting soil? Also I am trying to germinate some 7pot yellow and orange Habanero and I am having a terrible time the first seeds I had in soil never came up so I tried paper towel method they molded. So I thought I might have gotten them too hot so I ordered new seeds with the seeds I got some free Aji crystals and they all germinated but the 7pot and habs nothing. Each time both methods the other varieties germinated no problem but these two its very frustrating.
I never use "plain potting soil". With a little compost and manure, a little this and that I have my own blend that works for me. Even got some of my ideas for soil from a recipe out of a pot growing mag. Most comes from trial and error and a father that understood soil and the importance of it.