Exactly, I have 6 varieties of peppers growing and on some, I have a lot of blossom drop where the flower and stem wither and falls off. But, on all of those plants, there are a lot of blooms and there are plenty others where the flower whithers and browns up and eventually falls but the stem stays and usually you can see the start of a baby pepper sticking out with the Stamen or whatever it is sticking out of it. So, basically, if just the flower petals die and fall, it is great. If the flower petals die and fall along with the stem, then it is a lost bloom. On my Banana Pepper plant and my Charleston, I have much fewer blooms than my Bhuts, Cayennes, Habaneros, and Long Red Slims but just about every single bloom goes to fruit. On the others, I get a lot of blooms but many drop without producing...in the end, all my plants are bearing good loads of pods.