Thanks for the reply. I really like the label. Do they use extract in that sauce? I can't find it anywhere on the label, unless they are referring to extract when they say "spices".
I'm not certain whether it's an extract sauce or not. One thing is for sure though, if you slather it on some grilled chicken like I did the other night you'll be watering up and draining good. It's REALLY hot. So hot that when I started brushing it on while still on the grill, the heat instantly went right up my nose and starting burning me. But damn good though and it definitely leaves you with the endorphins flowing.
I like it much better than Blair's Mega Death sauce which has plenty of heat but just an okay flavor. It is pretty good on Tex-Mex foods but they're COMPLETELY different kinds of sauces so it's hard to compare them. I don't have too much experience with extremely hot sauces so that's one of the few superhots I've had that I can compare it to.
Are you looking for flavor or just nasty heat? It seems you are fixated on SHU units only, which leaves a lot to be desired.
Creator, I got to try your Defcon 1 sauce and the Zero extract at the Weekend of Fire and they were pretty damn tasty. Thanks again for the samples. Your Zero extract is definitley something special. The taste reminded me of raisins or dried prunes. Very complex and it would definitely be good in Asian foods/sauces. I unfortunately spent most of my cash by the time I made it to your booth though.