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condiment HELP salsa?peppers

I am new to growing peppers and making salsa. I have planted habaneros jalopenos and marichi and green peppers I want to make a salsa with them the is hot but has a very good/rich flavor. When should I pick the peppers? and should I grind up the peppers into a powder does that make it hotter? does any one have a good recipe for what I am looking for?

pick the chiles when they're ripe, dont dry/grind the pods - use them fresh for salsa, just cut up the pods.
if you want it hotter cut up & use the pod insides, except dont use the insides of bells cuz they dont have any heat & too much of the stuff (jalapenos is your call if you want to use those insides cuz they're kinda too much too)

recipes, theres plenty of recipes on this forum for salsa just look around. theres also pics to give you some ideas. fresh salsa is very easy to make if you want to can some then I'd suggest buying a canning/recipe book (like ball)