Help! Spider Mites?

thanks AJ for the tip :) i wonder if i can find this at my area.
its organic as well :)
these are the ingredients of that spray.
Rosemary 0.04 %
Sesame and Sesame Oil 0.04 %
Peppermint 0.03 %
Cinnamon & Cinnamon Oil 0.03 %
Thyme 0.03 %
Malic Acid 0.02 %
Water and Other Ingredients Balance
hmm wonder if i can make it myself if i cannot find it.! :)
Be careful if you have any seedlings with only a set or two of leaves! Organic or not, I killed off a tray of seedlings because I sprayed them with this. I had to bring my bigger plants in because of bad weather so I sprayed them all as a precaution in case I brought any critters in. The plants in the pics are big enough but babies die......
here is a little diddy that scared the crud out of me:

a single aphid could produce 600 billion descendants in one season

I am not doubting that one bit...

here is a chart I made starting with one pregnant female...IMO bottom line is that if you don't catch them the third week, your season is screwed...

Be careful if you have any seedlings with only a set or two of leaves! Organic or not, I killed off a tray of seedlings because I sprayed them with this. I had to bring my bigger plants in because of bad weather so I sprayed them all as a precaution in case I brought any critters in. The plants in the pics are big enough but babies die......
thanks for your tips.. i will keep that in mind. ":) even strong neem gives spot burns on leaves. !
First I'd recommend calling CCN to alert them to the issue. They have a pretty good rep, and I'm sure they want to keep it.

Second, start a treatment routine now - spraying once is not sufficient, if you are going to use insecticides. You have two basic options - spray the plant or get ladybugs to eat the aphids. You can also do a combo, but you can't use certain things on them too soon before or after getting ladybugs, or the ladybugs will be affected. There are several threads on this site on this topic, so I recommend you look them up. If you get ladybugs, I don't recommend getting them from Hirts.

Edit: and yes, start spraying your other seedlings now, too. You don't know if they have eggs on them or not.

Geeme is right, They're Aphids. They waged a full on attack at my house. I had a good ammount on a few of my plants. Wiped all the leaves down to kill as many as I could. Then got some ladybugs and released them last night on all my plants. I feel sure that they will handle the issue. I'll let you know how my efforts go to kill these little Ba$tards..
I will go with aphids also...

If they were spider mites, you may not be able to see them with the naked eye...or if you are stark naked either...but thats another story...
That's odd. I probably have some of the worse eyesight in town, and I've seen those eight-legged red bastards and their webs with just my eyes (okay, and my glasses) before. But I agree, those look more like aphids. They seem more bulb-shaped and their legs don't really stand out. Although the pictures are pretty blurry.

Hopefully this is somewhat of an isolated incident, because I also ordered some plants from Cross Country Nurseries. Mine aren't scheduled to arrive until around the 20th of next month though. If I were you, I would contact them and let them know that some of your plants have been found to be infested right after arrival, see if they will correct the problem. They do seem really nice. I ordered many plants from them last year (30, same as this year...) and the only problems I had really were bacterial spot (devastated the entire garden) and earwigs or something eating the leaves of my plants. Two things that can only be blamed on my local environment, not CCN.
a little update:

I emailed CCN, they agreed the pics appear to be aphids. She was very apologetic. She checked the other plants of the same varieties in their greenhouses and they appear to be aphid free. They offered to exchange my plants or offer a refund. I'm just not sure what I want to do because the drive is over an hour' I moved the plants to the garage and sprayed em, haven't seen any new aphids. My other plants seem to be in the clear. How much time before I really know for sure?
I live in what has to the bug capital of the world, when the aphids hit they do it in hugh swarms one day not one anywhere then the next all plants and flowers covered with the little Bastards get out my 2 gal sprayer and mix up a load of neem oil and Ivory soap. spray every morning and every night for a week , all gone, then spray once a week Thur the season, works great for me.
I just picked up some peppers from Cross Country Nurseries on Friday. I put them in my grow area with the plants I started from seed. Today I noticed what I'm thinking is spider mites on several of the plants I just purchased: fish peppers, bhut jolokia, 7 pot, chocolate bhut jolokia, and caribbean reds. :( I haven't seen this any on any of the plants I've been growing. I'm wondering how I missed this when I was purchasing the plants on Friday. I took all the plants I purchased and put them outside on the porch. Are these spider mites? How do I get rid of them? Do I need to worry about all my plants they were in close quarters with for 2 days? :eek:





I appreciate any help/suggestions! thanks!

so i got plants from them as well.. going to call/email the tomorrow about the aphids i found on the Annums.. i thought maybe that they only had a problem with the Annums.. but i remember seeing you had Chinense that are infected.. we got to let them know... Stop the Press what is that.. APHIDS!!!!

I just picked up some peppers from Cross Country Nurseries on Friday. I put them in my grow area with the plants I started from seed. Today I noticed what I'm thinking is spider mites on several of the plants I just purchased: fish peppers, bhut jolokia, 7 pot, chocolate bhut jolokia, and caribbean reds. :( I haven't seen this any on any of the plants I've been growing. I'm wondering how I missed this when I was purchasing the plants on Friday. I took all the plants I purchased and put them outside on the porch. Are these spider mites? How do I get rid of them? Do I need to worry about all my plants they were in close quarters with for 2 days? :eek:





I appreciate any help/suggestions! thanks!

Mine didn't show until today.. i received the plants last Monday.. must be in the soil.
I live in what has to the bug capital of the world, when the aphids hit they do it in hugh swarms one day not one anywhere then the next all plants and flowers covered with the little Bastards get out my 2 gal sprayer and mix up a load of neem oil and Ivory soap. spray every morning and every night for a week , all gone, then spray once a week Thur the season, works great for me.

HawaiiAl, you must use the concentrated Neem in your mixture. How much do you use per gallon and also how much Ivory? I'm about ready to deploy Lady Bugs now that its a little warmer, but next year I'm going with Neem instead of all the bottles of Safer, etc I used this winter.
so i got plants from them as well.. going to call/email the tomorrow about the aphids i found on the Annums.. i thought maybe that they only had a problem with the Annums.. but i remember seeing you had Chinense that are infected.. we got to let them know... Stop the Press what is that.. APHIDS!!!!

I emailed them yesterday, I only mentioned the varieties I knew had aphids, Now I'm wondering if I should follow up and let them know everything i purchased. They did just get a bunch of ladybugs on Friday afternoon...
I use 100% neem oil I think its put out by Dyna if you can't find it. try green light neem concentrate you can get it at home Depot, I mix 2 tbsp of neem and 2 tbsp of Ivory to the Gal of water. make sure the water is without chlorine, some farm supply carry the 100% neem. good luck in the fight