Help! Text/grammer help needed

I'm working on text for the new Pure Evil website.  Here's "our story".  I think I'm mixing up persons by saying "Ann did this"  and then saying "we did that" .  Suggestions appreciated.
Our Story
The Beginning
Back in the early 1990’s, John and Ann lived in Sedro-Woolley, WA, about 70 miles north of Seattle.  Each fall, Ann would get together with a friend, and can a whole bunch of salsa for our families for the winter. John would take jars of the salsa to work on large construction projects and let the other guys on the crew taste the salsa. Pretty soon they were stealing the jars of salsa out of his lunch box.  By the time spring rolled around, Ann was playing around with making a fresh salsa based on the canned salsa recipe and doing some test marketing.
We got licensed, found a kitchen to use, got into a farmer’s market, and soon the salsa was in 5 local grocery stores. And that’s how it continued until-
The Big Move
In 1998, we decided to move to north central Washington.  Ann took a year off from making salsa after moving. But soon the call of the peppers got to her and she was back at it using a local shared-use kitchen, selling at the farmer’s market and then in the local stores.  Over the next 10 years, several award winning bottled sauces were added to the lineup and in 2006, we built a commercial kitchen at our home. 
Our latest creation is the Pure Evil line of capsaicin drops. A totally revolutionary product that is going literally around the world.  From 1.5 million SHU to 13 million, Pure Evil Capsaicin Drops are the purest and hottest creation available.
Thank you for your interest in Pure Evil Products!
- if you can setup the site to hide the .html, i'd do that, it's more current (controller mode) ...
- if you can remove the red background in favor of black, i think that will be a stylistic improvment ...
- add a copyright 2017 to the footer, so people will know the site is current ...
- "synthesized" is spelled wrong on the FAQ ...
- 'ripened' is spelled riped under the picture of red savina ...
- in Your Story, I think Winter might be a capitalized word, like East South West, or I'm wrong or crazy ...
- in Your Story, last character probably shoukd be elipses "..." as opposed to a dash ...
- I feel like it's North Central Washington, perhaps ...
Thanks GM...I'm forwarding comments to the website person. 

I feel like the photos don't do much for the New and Improved Capsaicin Focused website. Maybe don't even need pics in the AboutUs page?  I'm really tired this evening, so thanks for everyone's comments, I'll check back in the morning.
When you change from Home to the other menu choices the site width expands. You'll want to make that uniform, so when you navigate it is not jumpy.
In the footer you have the phone numbers like this
800-231-2607 509-997-5420
On the contact page you have
(509) 997-5420
You'll want to make them all uniform with () or -, and the extra 1 before 800. Whatever you choose do it the same everywhere. I'd also make the footer cleaner. Instead of all on one line like that, stack the info like a business card would look.
Copyright © 2017
Nit pick, you don't need to say "copyright" when you have the ©, also I'd leave out the space. Oh and the year is 2016. ;)
You can use code so it changes when the year changes. Here's a snippet:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var today = new Date()
var year = today.getFullYear()


©<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">var today = new Date()
var year = today.getFullYear()
</script> Texas Creek Products
You can span years too. ©2015-(code here). Whenever PE started.