All the leaves are turning yellow and many are falling off, and new leaves are curling and yellowing. Here is a photo. Is it a virus? I don't think it's a pest, but I could be wrong, so I have a magnifying glass on the way from amazon. Plants are in soil and I haven't given them any nutrients in a while, so I'm 100% sure it's not nute burn. Temps are fine. PH is fine.
It does look like overwatering. I almost always wait until I see significant drooping before I water, which makes me think it's not. I guess I'll trying giving just enough water to moisten the upper part of the soil for a while and see how they do.
It does look like overwatering. I almost always wait until I see significant drooping before I water, which makes me think it's not. I guess I'll trying giving just enough water to moisten the upper part of the soil for a while and see how they do.