video help With Bhut (Video)

cold, wet soil with low air movement. i have a load of plants that have done the same. i have a bald bombay morich, chocolate hab, yellow scorpian, yellow 7 pot, chocolate bhut and a bald dorset naga. looks like a fatalii is ready to start shedding leaves now too. inca red is a bald fart now. all points to the loss of direct sunlight, stick your finger deep into the soil and see how if feels. i attempted to replant a scorpion to see if i could relieve the symptons with dry free soil and some ground seaweed but the twig is now yellowing.

you water with good intensions but all that is needed is a few of the dark cloudy days with no direct sunlight and your soil gets cold and stays damp. i thought of putting on a fan but the wife complains about the cold breeze.

good luck........... my plants have been in the house since september but once the snow hit and it hit early, it brought in those dark cloudy days that seemed to last for ever.
I think the plant looks great. Sure.. it is dropping a few leaves because it is transitioning from being outside in its natural environment into somebody's dorm room.

I'm not sure you can start producing pods under the current scenario, but I bet you can have it rippin and rollin to hit the ground when Ohio outdoor season begins
You said it's in a controlled enviro but your problem looks like cool temps or over watering. Also, enviro changes will cause flowers to drop so maybe change your HPS cycle to where the MH light was (or an hour or two difference) and lessen it every 3 days or so until you are back at 12/12.

The only other thing I can think of are some sort of pest. I had larva running through my roots at one point that caused the same thing to a degree but it also stunted new growth. Also, my leaves get very weak if the aphids come in.
well i will extend the light to 14/10 and hold back on the watering, in did start watering more frequently after switching to HPS because it seemed it was drying the soil out much faster then the MH but i suppose i'll count the days until i see a sligth wither and change the watering cycle accordingly. Hopefully this will get the plant healthy again but why did none of my flowers produce pollen?