help with early flowers on bhut jolokia plants

My bhuts are 7 to 11 inches tall and started to flower. At first I was pinching of the flowers as they first appeared to allow the plant to focus on growing bigger. As they kept growing back and fast I pinched off I guess you call it the nod, the tops of the plants where the leave connected and flowers where growing from. Is this something I should have or should not have done. 
I believe I added to much phosphorus to help for root development which has lead to the early flowers. 
When i try to add image it asks for URL. What is URL? Can someone help the URL challenged. I tried the simple copy and paste and that did not work.  


just got it figured out
you see where the flowers are starting, I was just pinching them off but were coming back fast. So i started clipping off underneath the flower and first set of leaves 
this is my largest plant and they go down to 6 or 7 inches and started to flower too!

also I have a few plants with holes in the leaves but cannot figure out from what. this plant it is close to the ground but I have another on that the hole in the leaves are much higher up. I see no sign of bugs or worms.

Maybe I have a calcium deficiency too? leaves are not flat and smooth curling and wavy
addiction said:
Maybe I have a calcium deficiency too? leaves are not flat and smooth curling and wavy
Thats from what i understand, totally normal for Bhuts to have wavy edges on the leaves. they actually look really pretty healthy IMO.
 leaves on my ghost pepper plant where exactly how you described it they where wavy on edges annd smooth.  i guess they are suppose to be like that.  
i pinched flowers off the nods also as the plant gets bigger it will just grow more alot more nods for flowers to grow on. and i think the plant is to small to flower i currently flowerd a ghost pepper plant at that size because it was a extra plant and it has 2 peppers growing. and if you leave the flowers on it will probally drop them if the plant aint ready yet anyways
how old are they?

its not doing to good because its using enery on peppers
They will be fine. Your plant look good. The plant looks like it really wants to flower. In a month you should have alot of pods. Peppers don't need that much P. It's also hard to burn chilies with P. It looks like you might have some brown leaf spot on your lower leaves (that's not uncommon)