I agree with AJ concrete blocks will last for a long time (no wasting money building things twice or more times) but you already knew that. but I'd be cheap & fill in the bottom with whatever I could vs buying more block & tile to fill the bottom in - (free)cheap dirt,rocks, or ?
AJ -
wow your heart has been through some serious stuff, God has been watching over you. its good to hear you're still alive after what you've been through. dying at a young age is not cool. my cousin died of a heart attack at 36
couple years ago.
like RB said "As for the metabolism theory, if they do speed it up it's meant to be so minimal you'd probably never notice the difference. the other health benefits of eating them are brilliant. "
I believe chiles speed up the metabolism but not enough to really notice, & when you're getting older you'll never see the difference. theres way more benefits chiles give than just speed up the metabolism & they are far more important. hot chiles have been considered 1 of those "super foods" to eat.
AJ -

like RB said "As for the metabolism theory, if they do speed it up it's meant to be so minimal you'd probably never notice the difference. the other health benefits of eating them are brilliant. "
I believe chiles speed up the metabolism but not enough to really notice, & when you're getting older you'll never see the difference. theres way more benefits chiles give than just speed up the metabolism & they are far more important. hot chiles have been considered 1 of those "super foods" to eat.