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plant Help with ID, and care of this plant.

Hi all 
I have been given this chili plant, however i do not know what kind of pepper it is ? can anyone help me ? 
I also think the leaves are hanging quite much, and the plant is very tall an cannot carry the weight of itself, should i tie it up with a stick, so that it will be straigthened out ? 
The pot also seems very small for the plant, so maybe it needs to get a bigger one ?  
please help me with this pepper, i never had a plant before and i really like it. 
Regards Tom skals.
Hello Tom,
By just taking a look at the pictures I can say this plant definateley needs to be transplanted to a bigger container.
When u do this just take a bigger container put dirt in it, moisten the dirt (dont flood it) and then put the plant in it
and continue to fill the container till the plant is completeley fixated in it.
Indeed use a rod (wood or plastic) of some kind to support the plant.
The drooping of the plant can be caused by a few factors like soil that is too wet or the root system that has been cut back
to fit in the smaller container.
What also could be is that the root system isent cut back but then it is completeley rootbound in that little pot.
When this is the fact dont break up the roots but try to loosen them a bit just before putting it in a new container.
For the rest I'd say that the plant looks healthy.
Absoluteley DO NOT overwater it when transplanting! Just see the soil is moist so the roots can set in the new soil.
About what kind of chilli it is... Cant help u with that as I'm still learning myself, maybe some pro's here can help u with that.
Hope to have been of help,
pod looks a lot like dundicutt. do some googling and let us know what you think - 2D pics can only gender a guess.
i've got some pod pics on the forum but you will have to do a forum search or take a boo at my photobucket account(burningcolon).