• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Herb suppliers

What is a good supplier for herb seeds? Im on a bit of a budget and would like to get them from one place if possible. Also any recommendations for different strains would be nice.
In wanting to grow oregano, parsley, cilantro. Maybe basil but some local places had some good looking plants I might just go ahead and buy one there.
also I have one of those 'troff' looking planters, about 8inch deep and maybe 2.5/3 feet long. Should I stick to 2 plants in there or would 3 be ok? I was thinking maybe 2 oreganos on the outside and a parsley in the middle but im not too familiar with how big these plants get, I will be using them heavily tho. Any suggestions for arrangements would be appreciated.
*Trough  :P
I would think you can stuff as much as can fit into there, but I typically would not go over 4 or 5 plants myself. I would try all 5 varieties if it was me also.
Herb seeds are pretty cheap no matter where you go. Try a Lowes or Home Depot near you possibly. Red Rubin or Purple Ruffles Basil is good.

Here is what I would grow, left to right in the planter:  (simple varieties, easy to find)
1. Oregano
2. Dill
3. Red Rubin Basil
4. Rosemary
5. Chives
The way it is set up, the tallest plant (or plants) would be in the middle, with the rest getting smaller progressively on either side. Just my opinion. You should do whatever YOU want to do.
Herbs are pretty easy.

Also I would drop a few seeds in each hole instead of trying to grow single plants. Will work out much better for you, and look better.
Where you at in FL.?
*Trough  :P
Doh! And I read about an hour a day too..
Thanks for the suggestions, I forgot about rosemary, Ive made some pretty good gravy with it before, too. Chives sound like a great idea as well.
Im in greencove springs, on a no traffic run(hah, yea right) maybe 20-25 minutes outside St Augustine.
...........and, don't forget to check you spice cabinet or a neighbours or other family members.
cilantro is coriander seed. you may find dill seed. rosemary is almost impossible to grow from seed.
you would be surprised how often spice racks filled with spices are given away as gifts. some even include chili flakes that contain seed, usually cayenne.
If you looking  for something online, Pinetree Garden Seeds is good.  They have smaller amounts for lower prices.  I always wind up ordering something from
them every year.