news Here commmmmes the BUNNY…

BigAg’s reaches are far and wide. What amazes me in this article is that nothing is said about imported fresh fruits and vegetables with viable seeds that don’t require a photosanity certificate. WAY SQUEEZE OUT THE SMALL FARMS COMMUNITY CLUBBING THEM WITH MONETARY FEES, APHIS/USDA!!! Just another example of the MONEY GRAB within the SPECIAL INTEREST COMMITTEES (CONGRESS MEMBERS). The propaganda these bozos are pushing are removing our ANCESTRAL RIGHT to freely access seed amongst one another. Monocropping, synthetic chemicals, tilling, limited food diversity and lack of crop rotation are how you KILL a society, not FEED IT!!! See comment below…

United States Department of Agriculture Animal Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection and Quarantine

Federal Order

APHIS Amends Federal Order for Entry Requirements for Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and Pepper (Capsicum spp.) Seeds Imported from All Countries into the United States

DA-2023-03 April 7, 2023

Effective immediately, the United States Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is amending the entry requirements for pepper (Capsicum spp.) seeds imported from all countries to prevent the introduction of Pepper chat fruit viroid (PCFVd) and Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) into the United States.

Prior to the issuance of Federal Order DA-2023-03, APHIS regulated the imports of tomato and pepper seed for planting for six quarantine pospiviroids in Federal Order DA-2019-21: Columnea latent viroid (CLVd), Pepper chat fruit viroid (PCFVd), Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd), Tomato apical stunt viroid (TASVd), Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid (TCDVd), and Tomato planta macho viroid (TPMVd). Federal Order DA-2019-21 requires all tomato and pepper seed shipments, from all countries, be tested for the quarantine-significant pospiviroids prior to entry into the United States or be produced in a country in which these quarantine- significant pospiviroids are not known to occur.

APHIS conducted a risk assessment for the six quarantine pospiviroids. The results of the risk assessment concluded that tomato seeds are a pathway for all six pospiviroids, and pepper seeds are a pathway for PCFVd and PSTVd only.

In this Order, APHIS is updating the import requirements for pepper seeds from all countries. Pepper seeds must either be tested and found free of PCFVd and PSTVd or be produced in a country free from these two quarantine-significant pospiviroids.

Shipments of pepper seeds must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate or a re-export phytosanitary certificate with one of the following additional declarations, or a combination of the two declarations addressing each of the two quarantine-significant pospiviroids:

The Capsicum spp. (pepper) seeds in the shipment have been tested and found free of the following pospiviroids: Pepper chat fruit viroid and Potato spindle tuber viroid.


The Capsicum spp. (pepper) seeds in the shipment were produced in [country] where

Pepper chat fruit viroid and Potato spindle tuber viroid are not known to occur. 3

Shipments of tomato seeds must continue to be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate or a re-export phytosanitary certificate with one of the following additional declarations, or a combination of the two declarations addressing each of the six quarantine-significant pospiviroids:

The Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) seeds in the shipment have been tested and found free of the following pospiviroids: Columnea latent viroid, Pepper chat fruit viroid, Potato spindle tuber viroid, Tomato apical stunt viroid, Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid, and Tomato planta macho viroid.


Because of these import requirements, tomato and pepper seeds are not eligible for importation using a Small Lots of Seed Permit. The requirement for a phytosanitary certificate with the above additional declaration(s) applies to all pepper and tomato seeds entering the United States, including small lots of seed.

This Federal Order (DA-2023-03) will replace the previous Federal Order (DA-2019-21).

This action is necessary because APHIS has determined that the entry of quarantine-significant pospiviroids poses a serious threat to U.S. agriculture. This Federal Order is issued pursuant to the regulatory authority provided by the Plant Protection Act (PPA) of June 20, 2000, as amended Section 412(a), 7 U.S.C. 7712(a). Under the Act, the Secretary may prohibit or restrict the importation, entry, exportation, or movement in interstate commerce of any plant, plant product, biological control organism, noxious weed, article, or means of conveyance, if the Secretary determines that the prohibition or restriction is necessary to prevent the introduction into the United States or the dissemination of a plant pest or noxious weed within the United States. The regulatory authority provided by 7 U.S.C. 7745 allows the Secretary to issue orders to carry out this provision of the Plant Protection Act.

For additional information regarding this Federal Order, please contact Senior Regulatory Policy Specialist Indira Singh at 301-851-2020 or
All done for BigAg’s agenda…control seed…control the food supply…control the food supply…control/cripple the people. Definitely, not a new concept in history. Just another phase in the Corporate/BigAg/Pharma/Insurance IndustryGovernment/Ultra Elite money grab. Democratic society my ass. A pig is still a pig no matter how you dress it up…same thing goes for GREED. If they were that concerned about ‘the people’ hunger and poverty wouldn’t be so prevalent in this a Country. WHAT A PATHETIC RUSE.
I’m not on a political rant. I just can’t stand conniving chickenshit liars and thieves. Especially, when it spills over into the seed world. Without it we wouldn’t exist and allowing a bunch of egomaniacal roundheads to threaten that system should alarm anyone on two legs. Corporate Agriculture reduces seed diversity plain and simple. Driving the environment, seed and society to ‘tipping points’ is anything but subtle, in the art of stupidity.
Hi all, new here so I know I don't have credibility with any of you, but I hope you'll appreciate that my question that follows is posed in good faith.

All done for BigAg’s agenda…control seed…control the food supply…control the food supply…control/cripple the people. Definitely, not a new concept in history. Just another phase in the Corporate/BigAg/Pharma/Insurance IndustryGovernment/Ultra Elite money grab. Democratic society my ass. A pig is still a pig no matter how you dress it up…same thing goes for GREED. If they were that concerned about ‘the people’ hunger and poverty wouldn’t be so prevalent in this a Country. WHAT A PATHETIC RUSE.

Is the origin of your anger at this order that you don't think there is really a risk of Columnea latent viroid (CLVd), Pepper chat fruit viroid (PCFVd), Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd), Tomato apical stunt viroid (TASVd), Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid (TCDVd), and Tomato planta macho viroid (TPMVd) to tomatoes and peppers growing in the United States? Or that the risk is insufficiently serious to warrant these measures? Or something else?
No. All are a reality to agriculture. What angers me is that there are no provisional changes that make those amendments more affordable to small farms and seed stewards thus eliminating them from procuring seed in the same fashion as BigAg still can because of their abundant cash revenues. Are you neive enough to think that this isn’t known by all the parties who are able to continue ‘business as usual’? Do you think that they’ll help the small farmer push for fairer access to seed? There are more diseases and pests bring brought into this Country from fruit/vegetable imports than the seed that’s being pursued. If a farmer is being hands on and diligent with their growing/breeding techniques he stands a much better chance avoiding these situations. A lot more can be done in the field to check these issues but, at the same time the Corporate Farm isn’t able to be ‘hands on’ in the field with hundreds/thousands of acres to care for. Thats where the Chemicals Companies zoom in to ‘solve your problem’. That’s the beginning of point to ‘dead soil’ for the farm who will be dependent on these Chemical Companies for its duration. That’s what angers me as it should you. Blinders aren’t glasses, my friend. If crop health were a concern, conventional agriculture wouldn’t exist. When BigAg sees a small farm thriving they deem them a threat to their ‘bottom line’. Competition is healthy for commerce but, today’s form of Capitalism is being dictated ‘behind closed doors’ and that’s never healthy for commerce. Those ‘little’ measurses are ‘big’ issues once they trickle down to guess who…the little guy. Ask Australia how that same plan is working for them. Positive Vibrations…
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I’m not on a political rant.
You 100% are. And you're well within your rights....let it fly.
Ask Australia how that same plan is working for them. Positive Vibrations...
The damage has been done in that country. I'm sure you are aware. You have to scrub your shoes at the airport for f@ck sake. Not take them off for security...scrub the soles. And I do not feel being proactive is a bad thing considering the destruction that has occured in that country.

Please be alittle gentler on me than @Prof.Urabay here,but what are the Capsicum or S.lycopersicum seeds that Big Ag or small scale farmers are trying to import to grow in the USA? There are websites that sell 300-400 varieties of tomato and I have never seen more than 8 or 10 in markets or stores here.

If we are talking crop wild relatives for breeding projects,there are none that are useful to Capsicum. Most are not even compatible and if they are,they are masturbatory at best and it's been expressed here and many other platforms for years. Maybe some species of Solanum,either aubergines and tomatoes have some,but they are already in use and readily available on my many websites.

There are definitely risks when bringing seeds in from other countries. I'm a seed saver also and I have seen some weird funk from seeds that I've brought back from South America on my person. Also have european friends with similar experiences that had plant material sent in for testing and had pathogens that were not able to be identified.
it's always the little guy that gets screwed 😡
That’s how Corporations amassed their fortunes…having the Government implement their agenda per their wants is how it’s been done since the Industrial Revolution. Greed is running rampant and it’s driving the Planet to the brink of extinction.
I wish they’d be as concerned with the chemical drift and GMO pollen that are ruining organically grown crops. If the viral issue were that dire they’d have the Chemical Companies soaking fields with their toxic cocktails. Hydrogen Peroxide will kill most enveloped viruses, bacteria and germs without damaging a seeds embryo. Instead of implementing some sort of contingency plan, they just take the right to freely have access seed. No talks, no reports, no votes. For me, it’s all about my ancestral right to save, share and plant seed…any seed. Agriculture technology is geared towards ‘profits’, not health or rights. Get GREED out of equation and these disease situations that they deem so prevalent subside. Science is cast aside when money is in the room and science is welcome to get money in the room. Corporations own Capital Hill and politicians will continue to do as they are instructed regardless. Look at how the ‘glyphosate’ white elephant continues it’s reign. GREED IS A TWO-LEGGED SCOURGE AND FEAR IS ITS WEAPON OF CHOICE.
I posted the lastest APHIS action to alert those who it might effect. Maybe my opinion shouldn’t have followed along with the post because that’s all I’m hearing about…my opinion, not the action that APHIS has taken without retort. I guess I could be a ‘don’t give shit’ about anyone other than myself but…I’m not. Nor am I the ‘sharpest tool in shed’ but, I’m definitely not one of the ‘dullest in the shed’.
If you're going to be so discourteous as to insinuate that I'm naive and am wearing blinders simply for asking a question to understand your post, then please, don't call me "friend."
I wasn’t aware that that my point was off its target. I didn’t insinuate anything…it was a question. If I offendedyou or anyone else, I apologize. I’m not trying step on people, I’m trying to inform them.