Heres my pictures I hope

I love what AJ and others aare doing with the pictures it gives me more ideas thats helpful. So heres my well house..
now herees some of my chillies

Heres a cute one doYou see the lil critter?And heres all my peppers
Thanks Omri some are getting leggy but I have dropped the light down to 2 inches of the top trying to bulk themm up
Great pictures! for some reason I can't get enough of plant pictures.
I'm like a child with his first book, just looking for the pictures. :lol:
The mature plant looks a bit fragile, but I might be wrong.
The older plant(Hanoi Red ) is really healthy but when I had it growing in the garden it was the same way kind of thin stalks and really easy to break off. But the chillies are really good not to much heat but just enough to eat as many as you want and say mmmmmmmm goood food.
Your nagas look very very healthy as do all of your plants...good shots...

We are going to have a pepper raisin' good time this year
Okie great pics your peppers look very happy where there at the moment, wish summer was a few weeks away. Great looking crop you got growing. It will be great following along with all the different pepper grows this year. Thanks for the pics.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
wish summer was a few weeks away.

wiarton willy said we're going to have an early spring. and if you can't trust a groundhog, who can you trust...

of course 'six more weeks of winter' *would* be an early spring for us...
What did the American groundhog(s) say?

"I wish these people would leave me alone and let me sleep....."
There are no ground hogs in this part of the country, but the small black and white cat that was insisting I open the window so she could nap in it says spring will come early this year. And I sure wouldn't want to be in Spring's shoes if it manages to piss off the cats.
AlabamaJack said:
"I wish these people would leave me alone and let me sleep....."

Go bother a cat they more finicky than me I am just going back to sleep in my nice warm hole. And by they way my first name isn't Phil its NAGA HEAD :lol::lol: