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Hey!! am I on the right track?

thanks siliman, good to hear ill be ok for a while..will build something bigger in a couple weeks, how close should I have the light from the little pots that im going to be putting them in? also when i move them into the box should i keep temps around 80-85F? or is there another optimum range?
The temps are great between 80-85F while the seeds are buried in your grow mix. In fact, probably okay to stay kind of warm like that after they emerge.

Distance to the light will vary--I'm not familiar with that bulb. When the seedlings pop up in a few days, lay your thermometer across the top of your grow pot, adjust height to light to try for a temp of around 80F. Your CFLs might have more concentrated heat than my long T8s, so be careful!
hey everyone, thought it was time for an update...

The seeds that have been planted are ring of fire, orange and chocolate habaneros and a naga morich. As usual Ive got a couple questions..some of the seedlings leaves are curling down, some have a purple hue on their stalks. is that from too much water? too much/not enough light? i have not given them any fertilizer or food. temp in my grow box is around 25-26 degrees C(78F). Seedling are around 2.5 inches from the light, ive got a thermometer across the top of the growing pots and says around 27-28 degrees C (81F).

other news is that my fatalii and naga viper seeds poped 2 days ago (so 10 days after being placed in cups) still waiting on bhut jolokia and the rest of my naga morichs to pop (first morich poped in 4 days, its been 12 days and no sign of life from the other 4 im trying to germinate, is that normal?).

I have a fan that will be going in soon.

now some pics! let me know what you guys think, should raise them closer to the light? should they be under lights 24 hrs a day? or 18/6?


do they look like their curling down too much?


As always any help is greatly appreciated!!
I would say lower the light another 3-4" and then move them closer if they get leggy, I've just been noticing a lot lately that the newly sprouted seedlings really don't need super amounts of light, and what I thought was not a lot of light before, was actually a TON of light, because the CFLs were so close.. that is why I absolutely love my light meter, great $16 investment haha

and yes the other ones not popping up are normal, I waited most of last week after a small batch of some of mine popped up, waiting for something else to come up, and maybe 1 here and 1 there did, but not until yesterday and today did another group of 4-6 pop up... although I am still waiting on the damn chocolate bhuts.. they are just annoyingly long to pop up from what I remember the first time around.. first time I think they took about a month

Edit: so maybe switch that case or whatever it is on the bottom to a semi thick book or something, like 2-3" thick book
So a little over a week has gone by and thought it was time for an update, I took Maxsack's advice and raised the plants a little closer to the light, so they're about 1.5-2 inches away. I've been keeping a fan on them for around 6 hours a day. All of my seeds have germinated, so really happy about that, all about being patient (Bhuts took 20 days).
I've been watering them every other day, and just bought a 8-8-8 fertilizer (general vegetable fert)and was wondering if that would be alright to give to these little guys.
All of the seedlings have purple stems, and theres a couple that have purple leaves like the picture below, i've read that it could be a number of things from too much light, too much water and too many nutrients. I think in my case its the light, dont think its going to be an issue but take a look and let me know what you think.


Think i can give them some fertilizer?


just as a little experiment i've got some seeds out of the grow box, in a south facing window and they are nowhere near as developed as the ones in my grow box. They dont have any purple on them at all, so im thinking my grow box plants are getting too much light, might back off from the 24 hour light schedule and go to 18/6 any thoughts? any ideas on the leaves curing back?
yeah, at this point with the light being closer I would definitely suggest switching to 18/6, I notice that when they get a good dose of light (and just watch your leaves, if they turn really purple and look bad, like they are slowing going to white and dying, then back the light off. .but not as much as you had it before.. just somewhere in between, they will get use to the light.. but it may just take them a little bit) I just moved mine down another 1" or 1.5" after having them about 4" away, and turned on all 4 CFLs now (100w eq. each) before they were turning purple and not looking too good, but most of them have a few sets of true leaves on them and are doing great..

as far as the ferts, I have a little bottle of indoor liquid ferts from MG, it says 7 drops per liter of water for each plant.. I take a.. well it's a really big water bottle and I think it's 1 liter, but anyways, I put about 2 drops of it in there, and do that every other watering, but with the warm weather, I have been watering most of them every day, mainly the ones that are right under the lights I give a good soaking and they dry up by the next day, the other ones I don't give as much water.

but just keep watching them, if the pics you took are right after watering them then OK, but if they are that wet all the time.. hold off on the water until most of them look pretty dry.. but they look really good.. oh and hold off on the ferts for the ones that don't have their first set of fully developed leaves I would say.. like the one in the first picture I would hold off for another week.. and maybe move it a little further back or away from the light until it gets it's leaves completely out

.. lol I just realized that I posted my last post wrong, I meant to say lower the plants, not the light.. but I didn't know that they were getting a little leggy.. and they seem to be doing great now, but take them off of the 24/7, and now that I look at it, it looks about the same height as mine, it's always hard to tell.. so the curling could have been a combo of water and light being on all the time, and if the ones in the middle that don't have any true leaves yet start looking bad and purpling more like the one in the first pic does (the first pic looks fine, but you can see it just starting to turn from a slight purple to a lite/whitish color almost, it's hard to tell) but if it looks worse than that.. move the light back down until they all have their first sets of true leaves... then move it back to where you have it now.. but just see what happens and adjust properly, but I would say watching the watering and making sure the tops at least dry out really well before giving it a good soak then
I took these pics just after watering, the light dries out the soil pretty quick so i just keep the tops moist, I give them a good watering every other day and just spray them a little in between so they're not completely dry. Ill knock the light time down to 18-6, maybe 16-8 and see what happens in the next week. I thought that the light was too close, but out of all of the seedling in there theres only that one that is that purple. The rest of them seem to be doing alright.
If i see any more purple leaves ill lower them down a bit more. Ill also start giving them a little bit of fert, bottle i have say 5ml per 2 litres, might dilute it more than that and just give it to the ones that have their real leaves.
Thanks for the help Max!!
no problem, and from what I have been reading, and the few mistakes I made with over fertilizing, is that you are better off diluting it by about 1/4 the recommended strength.. mainly when they are so small, I use more slow release ferts so I use the recommended dose on the bag since they really only release when the soil is wet.. so every time I water them (for the potted plants) but with liquid I have been careful to dilute it a lot and go from there.. so do like... 2ml per 2 liters every other watering for the ones that have at least one set of leaves and see what happens, since you are giving them a good flush when you water them in between giving them ferts.. it should work out well

and as far as light, I would stick to the 18/6, and only go down to 16/8 once they are about to go outside for the last 2 weeks or so.. people then slowly go down to 14 or 12, but I personally don't think a 3 hour difference in light is going to hurt the plant really... it gets light when it can.. I don't really think they are "expecting" to get light, or for the lights to turn off at a specific time.. as long as you don't keep switching back and forth you should be fine lol

oh and once they do get use to the light (after they have a few sets of true leaves.) they should go into hyper drive and grow pretty fast, after turning on the other 2 CFLs and moving them down another inch. I noticed that the ones that still didn't have true leaves out yet, starting getting them within the next 2 days or so.. so changes of the light intensity are more important than the amount of light time given from what I have seen so far
I agree with Max. Some growers swear by the 24-hr lighting--it has never worked for me (get purple leaves), but 18-6 works great, keeping plants close to lights. Many variables involved--plants will let you know (when you screw up)!

If you decide to use ferts at the first leaf stage, make sure you seriously dilute it. I even cut mine to 1/8th strength for the first dose, watched and waited 3 days to see if I killed them! There is a lot of risk at the earliest stages while the cotylendon leaves are providing the plant nutrition. Some plants just hate nutes and won't tolerate what other varieties like, so keep an eye out especially for first few weeks.

Overall, plants looking good. Congrats on the great germination rate and some nice babies... :cool: