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health Hey what is wrong with my Plants


Its Winter in Australia, temperatures are cold, but warm days in the 18- 25 degree Celsius zone

Some of my Plants have new growth but it looks all weird and deformed.

Not sure what it is, i have been hitting it with Epsom Salt every fortnight but new growth still seems to look wrinkled and really dry.


Thats one plant, ignore the crappy topping job i did its more of an experiment plant.





Its only 4 plants it is happening on, the rest are fine

I use the same nutrients for all plants and hit them once every 2 weeks ( Tomato Feed, Thrive or Seaweed extract + Epsom Salt)

Since its Winter i have only been watering once a week if that.

I ripped one out 2 weeks ago that had the same issue and the root ball was huge, so its still growing roots, they just aren't getting much bigger and new growth is deformed.

These plants did originally have an aphid problem, but i cleared all that up, i think its the reason a lot of bigger older leaves are deformed.

Also this little sucker i am growing under lights, was a light green and started feeding it Hydroponic nutrients and the root system has taken off, but one or 2 of the leaf look Dark and light., new growth is also crinkled.


Any help or constructive criticism would be appreciated.
They don't look "terrible".  As you way they look a little wilted, but it may be some effect of dormacy since it's the winter.  Not sure why your other plants would be different, but that's my 2 cents before my morning coffee :)
Don't fertilise them in the winter, they will come back again in the spring
They look fine to me, I have one plant that looks like it's on deaths door