Hi everybody, My name is Janice and I now live in Texas. I lived in Rio Rancho for six years and discovered New Mexican cuisine. 🥰Love it and miss it

I am originally from Connecticut and never even touched Mexican food let alone New Mexican food growing up. I went back there one Christmas and ordered a burrito wrapped in tinfoil. I unwrapped part of the burrito so I could savor the wonderful flavor. Really? It flopped over like a limp whatever. LOL. It was disgusting. Couldn't wait to get back to NM and get some good food. Now, Connecticut's seafood is wonderful; not so in NM. Each state has it's own good food. In Texas, it's barbeque, of course. Yum. I am trying to order my son and son-in-law some food from New Mexico (spices, etc.). They both like it. I can never figure out what to buy for them so I thought about food. They both love it. Hope I can do this. I know it will be late, but they'll understand.