Hi everyone. I have been reading posts on this forum for a couple of years but have never had a reason to ask a question until now. In my desire to grow pepper plants I have overdone the fertlizers and the watering. I can now see the horrible error of my ways. I have been watering with Miracle Grow General Purpose fertlizer every week. I have added bone meal for calcium and sprayed the plants with Epsom Salts. The pots are heavy with overwatering. My plants are repaying me by dying. The leaves are withered and ugly on half the plants. I have read that I should flush out the pots with fresh water to get the fertilizer out, but I don't want to put any more water in. I have another month or so before I can get them outside and into their garden, so I don't want to re-pot them. If I leave them alone, let the soil dry out for a week or ten days and then (when the pots are light and they need watering) water them with plain water, will that work? Will the plants live?