Hi, my name is Michael. And I like hot peppers.

Introducing myself. I know, originality is questionable. I've been a lurker since before the ravens last won the Super Bowl, I think. Yeah, I'm in MD.
Peppers? I'm growing about 7 or 8 stable varieties and working on a few of my own.
Pleasure to join this community of "HotHeads."
You guys are quick. I'll try and give more than I get around here. Read both of you guys (gals??) before. This place is like a breath of fresh air for a pepper head. I still don't know how to post a pic or I'd delve into my grow this year, but kids aside, thanks for the warm (blazing) welcome, folks!
Hell, I don't even know how to edit my darn profile pic so I don't look like a government spy.
I'm about as tech savvy as a chipmunk. I work in R&D for a large consumer products company and grow peppers as a hobby-gone-wild. I'll try and figure it out this weekend. My mind is on siesta tonight thanks to facundo bacardi and coca cola. My best stuff this year are my yellow bhuts and morugas....I grow for myself and a few restaurants in my area.
And all the guys at work who try one of my peppers then tell me they "really like more mild peppers." Hehe...
Welcome!  Here's a link on posting pics http://thehotpepper.com/topic/33270-posting-picture-tutorial/
 but it's like others said, for a basic member you have to host your pics on a site like photobucket, imgr, or what ever the other ones there are. I prefer photobucket as it also has an easy to use phone app. There will be several codes listed to copy.. choose the one that says IMG . copy that code and past it here
Thanks again. An addiction of mine since even before I used to live in Costa Rica! Nice to meet some chileheads. Most of the peeps I meet each day think a jalapeño is hot. Ps I CANNOT believe Mike Trout says he can "take the heat" because he eats jalapeños in that new Subway commercial. Holy Mary!
Somebody needs to slip him a superhot!
Sorry.....venting there.