High River Sauces - New Label

I am almost done with this label art and I wanted to get some feedback. What do you guys think? Thanks for the feedback.

cool design concept and a lot of detail.

assuming it's for a sauce bottle, how well will the details show when it's shrink down enough to fit on a bottle?

Your background could tie more into the theme. Maybe like burnout tracks or something? Not real sure how the skeleton dude fits in with the rest of the elements. Is he standing behind it? You could probably integrate him better with the other elements. Lookin good man!
Some of the details may be too small for a bottle logo, my suggestion is make it a bit more caricaturish, meaning exaggerate the features, and add contrast, and lose some of the gradients. Example. If the jacket was a solid color is would really make the head, guns, and engine pop, acting as a divider of sorts, instead of it all getting lost in the gray soup. Hat draws the eye right now. Tone it down and add more contrast to the bandanna. The jalapeno looks a bit like a cucumber.

Overall it's awesome. Just needs some work.
Hi again-

I've come back a few times to look at it again. Like Sethquatch, I'm not sure if the dude is riding the jalapeno or ??? And the other thing I can't identify is the brown curvy band below the dude and above the jal. Is it a belt or seat or ???

I think it would be cool if the dude was riding the jal, guns blazing.....

Anyway, hope the comments help. Still think it's a cool concept.

Thank you all for the comments. I am redoing it with some of your ideas. I will post it once it is complete. Thanks again for the feedback. Its starting to grab shape.