Up to 33 of the tray up, so just under 50% in a weeks time. The HBJ with the helmet turned the helmet into a sort of collar. Didn't want it keeping the coty pinched in the middle, so I opted for minor outpatient surgery. Another HBJ has a helmet, but it got caught on the pellet netting and the coty is pulling free of that.
HBJ 2,3,4 are 100% up while HBJ 1, 5, and 6 are only 33% up.
7 of 12 MoA are now up. 12 of 18 HBJ are up. Big smile on my face as the white bhuts are 2/3 as is the TS Choc. All three Moruga yellow are up, so that will put me at 10 Moruga plants up. If I can pull it off, I will be putting these alone in a raised bed.
Grow room is going to be a jungle by May and the hardening off period. Especially since I am planning on starting some other plants (Cabbage, Cukes, Onions) along with the peppers and maters.