• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

HillBilly Jeff's 2014 Adventure - Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

HillBilly Jeff said:

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
Bodeen said:
Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
romy6 said:
 It is super fine Ramon. Had me sneezing up a storm. Jethro , what did you use to grind it up? 
Powder is super sweet . Love it 
I was looking at your powder you sent me and it was course and I was like, why can't I make it like that....looks better than the fine to me lol.  
I use an 18 dollar mr coffee grinder.  And yes, it will make you sneeze your butt off.  
Looks like my MoA are greening up a bit.  I am really rationing their water right now to see if that does the trick.
Seven days in and no manzano germination yet.  Hoping I can get these going so I can give one a try.  Going to have to check my 2011 glog to see how long it took them to pop then.  Not sure how good my notes were then.

It was actually last year and I had the first one up in a week, second one a week later.  
Sampled a few of them today and the first one I tried was the Red West Indie Habanero.  It has put me in a quandary if I should grow it or the JA Habanero next season.  I will probably grow one of each.
Very strong flavor without the backlash taste of a Savina.  It has some nip to it, but it doesn't hurt too long.


The next pepper I tried was the Black Naga.  I knew it was going to be a burner as soon as I cut it open.  It got me thinking whats the difference between the naga, dorset, morich, bhut, etc....and then I just gave it up.  Looked up a few on wiki and decided I didn't want to dive into that mess.
These two are some really nice peppers.


I think after the first two, I wasn't able to be too accurate on my pods.  The last three look awesome, but I felt they didn't pop with flavor like I would think they would.  Seemed a bit dry to me.  Love the color and I am sure they will taste fine when my mouth gets back to normal.
Fatalii x Savina  Been wanting to try these for a while and unfortunately my taste buds were already cooked.  


Peach X...Love this color.  Might not show well in the picture, but my oh my it has a purty color.


Hurrikan....I can definitely tell there is hab in these.  Not sure what gives them the salmon color.  Might have to have a container of these on the front porch.


Got some smoke pic to post with a bump please.
Great colors on those pods, Jeff.  Hope the MoAs straighten out.  I'm going to try to OW/root cuttings from my Manzanos.   They were such a pain to germinate, I'd rather just keep going what I have, 4 reds and 2 yellows (no pods from any this year).  Guess I'll have to try to germinate some orange in January.  And brown if I can find seed.
Sawyer said:
Great colors on those pods, Jeff.  Hope the MoAs straighten out.  I'm going to try to OW/root cuttings from my Manzanos.   They were such a pain to germinate, I'd rather just keep going what I have, 4 reds and 2 yellows (no pods from any this year).  Guess I'll have to try to germinate some orange in January.  And brown if I can find seed.
I am not sure why these are being so bad.  Two years ago I grew 2 out of 3 that I planted and had one hook in a week, the other a week later.  I am about to go all egg carton on them!!!
Someone posted recently about a choc manzano somewhere.  Might be in Pepper ID section.  Not sure.  I seen Matt's review on the yellow and just had to try growing them again.  The two I grew two years ago had two pods which the biggest one dropped off a month before frost.  Hoping to get a big head start on them for next season if they ever pop.
Sanarda said:
Love the reviews.
Wish I would have done better on them.  My favorite had to be the West Indie followed with the choc naga.  What is that peach crossed with?  Might try growing one next year just to see what it does.
Official list so far...It's going in the spreadsheet, so its getting more set.
********* ******* (3rd Gen) 15 Plants, 3 from each parent
Goliath Jalapeno 1 Plant
Purple Jalapeno  1 Plant
Bonda Ma Jacques 3 Plants
Harold St Barts  3 Plants
Chocolate Habanero 1 Plant (Over Winter Only)
Mustard Habanero 3 Plants
Datil 1 Plant (Over Winter Only)
Paper Lantern 1 Plant (Could get the axe)
JA Habanero 1 Plant to try it out
West Indie Red Habanero 1 Plant to try out
Cherry/Big Bomb 6 Plants (Smoking)
Santa Fe Grande 1-3 Plants (Smoking Possible)
Inca Red Drop 1 Plant to try them out
Budapest Not Sure
Biggie Chile Not Sure, might get axed
Hurrikan 1 Plant to try
Dulce Rojo Paprika 3 Plants 
Peach TS 1 Plant to try
Yellow Scorpion 2 Plants and 1 OW Only
CARDI 1 Plant to try
Yellow Billy Boy Douglah 1 Plant to try
Yellow Brain Strain 2 Plants
Red Brain Strain 1 Plant OW Only
Yellow Bhut 1 OW Only
Peach Bhut 3 Plants and 1 OW
Chocolate Bhut 3 Plants
White Bhut 1 Plant to try it out
Peach X 1 Plant to Try
Yellow Fatalii 3 Plants
Red Fatalii OW Only
Chocolate Fatalii 3 Plants
Fatalii Cream 1 Plant to try
MoA Scotch Bonnet 12 Plants
7 Pod Burgundy 3 Plants and 2 OW
Yellow Devil's Tongue 2 Plants
Chocolate Devil's Tongue 2 Plants
Yellow Moruga 2 Plants
Brown Moruga 2 Plants
Primo 1 OW Only
Yellow Congo 1 Plant to try
Yellow Manzano 3 Plants
Orange Manzano 3 Plants
Jimmy Nardello
Douce d'Espagne
Sweet Goliath
Patio Red

The 7 Pod Burgundy could see it's numbers swell.  I really love the looks of the pods, I really love the taste, and so far, everyone likes them smoked.  Plus I want to try to grow out as many as I can from this one pod I picked this summer.  I want to see if I can carry over pod shape at all.  Even if only one plant comes out with them, it will be a success.

Totalling 97 plants plus the sweets, and not counting the OW.  I think I had 165 this year.  Subtract the 12 MoA that will be off on their own and I am down to 85.
Planning on having a few in pots also.
The trouble isn't the garden space, its the grow room space and the PITA watering becomes when the plants are begging to get in the dirt.
Good to see da seed arrived safely, hope you enjoy them and great shots w/reviews. Powder arrived last night, took a quick pic and had to run out till late, I'll try to post it up tonight after work.
Hab a great day!
WalkGood said:
Good to see da seed arrived safely, hope you enjoy them and great shots w/reviews. Powder arrived last night, took a quick pic and had to run out till late, I'll try to post it up tonight after work.
Hab a great day!
Glad you got the powder. It takes longer than the sfrb and the others took much longer. LMK what you think