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review Hippy Seed CO review . sauce and seeds

I emailed the HSC for some seeds and figured if he is shipping a seed order why not try is sauces..

so I bought Afterburner, Jungle Juice, and Nagasav.

first one I tried was afterburner and thought befor I even opened it that it would be a dud as I almost didn't order it as is looked blah but I was way off!!
sweet at first with a wack off seeds and then a small amount of heat that builds to a nice not too hot burn . It will be on chicken very soon!

the JJ was sweet but a bit sharper then a nice heat to follow.
Not my favorite sauce but It will be gone in not tome I am sure.

the Nagasav was the last to be opened as I was getting ready for a punch but first thing I could smell was a very close smell to my favorite steak sauce of all time HP sauce!!!! and the taste is like hp at the start then followed a sweet taste then good amount of heat that is in my opinion just right!!!

I will be buying a fresh ring of sausage to eat this sauce with and would have to say that I am very impressed with this one .

the seeds were also in the box and labeled very well along with a free bag of his own pepper cross.

being in canada and him down under I was happy with the fast shipping and killer sauces, I would say to anyone looking for a new fresh kind of sauce to give him a try and i will buy againg for sure .


mmmm can't wait until I get to try those,,, if I ever will!
really would like to.

the nagasav sounds too good to be true!
Nice quick review Shayne.. I have been hearign quite a bit about how tasty his sauces have become I guess I'll have to break down and get some soon
Hey Shayne - how much was the shipping? I have looked at Neil's sauces before, but just figured the cost of getting them here would be ridiculous...
shipping was 30 bucks to canada

less than Defcons shipping from the US....

He may have a guy in the US to buy from if not he may want to consider shipping a case of it to one of you in the US to ship out to US guys wanting to try it??
shipping was 30 bucks to canada less than Defcons shipping from the US....


He may have a guy in the US to buy from if not he may want to consider shipping a case of it to one of you in the US to ship out to US guys wanting to try it??

I know you guys in the west hate us...but Toronto is still in Canada...:cool:
I cooked up a ring of sausage to try the nagasav and yes it does have a HP sauce like feel to it but I will warn you it has alot more heat after a few bites unlike HP!!

This sauce will be on my reorder list.

the After burner is now gone after pizza last night and it is a very good sauce for any one that likes a sweet with heat type of goo.

Jungle juice has yet to find it's place.....

Hey Rainbow, what you eat it with???