Holes in leaves from earwigs

Some of my plants have leaves with holes in them. I'm assuming caused from earwigs since I have seen some in the pots.

1. How damaged does a leaf need to be to justify removing it from the plant?

2. Any tricks on keeping earwigs off the plant? ( I seen people use slug traps filled with vegetable oil and they drown in it). However I'm using pots so buying 24 slug traps don't seem practical.



( These aren't even as bad as my tabasco plants) I thought I had a pic of it but I need to take another pic tomorrow. The top leaves are basically loaded with little circles and hardly any leave is left.

Some of mine are way worse. One is suffering crinkle leaf,
others are in holding patern.
Those little holes are nothing pal.
One or two pinholes in the new leaves can really slow things down. I've been battling earwigs also. I've used olive oil traps, newspaper traps, diatomaceous earth, sluggo and corry's insect killer. I've gone out in the middle of the night with a flashlight and squished dozens of them. Ive killed thousands of those rotten critters and still every morning I see new damage.

I would get the pots up off the floor/ground if possible. Pick up anything nearby that they can hide under during the day. Then circle the pots with DE and or corry's. Be careful with that stuff, though. Read the label.