Holes in Solo Cups

I'm not a huge fan of holes in solo cups. Odds are, if you're watering enough to require drainage, in a solo cup, you may need to pot up instead of adding holes. IMHO, of course....
I used Solo cups last year as an intermediate measure between the germ cups and moving to bigger pots to go outside. I didn't cut holes all the way up the sides, but did 4 pretty big holes in the bottoms - maybe 1/4" - that was plenty. When the plants are still that little, I'd be more concerned about the soil drying out too fast if you cut holes up the sides, as well, but that's just MO - I wouldn't want to have to water more frequently.
I have 1/8" & 1/4" holes in the bottom but hoping to not pot up again until mid May or there abouts. That is generally when we can go into the ground up here without and fear mind you this years weather is insane. Intent was to attempt a "free" version of an aero pot with really good root system and no crowding of same? I'm finding that when a solo cup sits flat, it takes to long for the water to be used up / drain etc resulting in potential growth stunt. Hence holes in the side of the cups too 1/8" max.
I used a 1/2 inch drill bit and drilled about 10-12 at a time. just go real slow or the cups kind of shatter/crack
Tried 5 but the drill bit wasn't long enough.
Will wait on the pics of side wall holes and success of same. Need to remain open to new or proven ideas that some don't reveal as its normal for them but new to others.
I use solo cups to germ my seeds and i use a solder iron and put 12 holes in bottom and 4 holes at the bottom of the sides. 4 seeds per cup and once the.3 set of leaves come in they all go into their own cups and out of 18 seedlng i ttansplanted all have survived last 4 days.
I've always done three 1/4 inch holes in the bottom. Their not in the Solo Cups for long, so I don't get to carried away.
Have to have holes if u want to water from bottom. Check out Patrick's glog. I have copied him, and have 60 plants in solo cups that are doing awesome. Thanks Patrick!

Suggestions on the next size up after the solos ? Can't go to the finals after that stage. Again I have apprx 5-6 weeks to go inside and will commence Hardening off pending atmospheric conditions before. Hoping to get some plastic pails but need something before that.
...Suggestions on the next size up after the solos ? Can't go to the finals after that stage...

I'm in a similar boat. One more pot up is in the cards for some of my plants due to climate and jumping the gun in January.

I like the 1-gallon terra-cotta pots from GreenhouseMegastore. They allow another inch or two on all sides from the solo cups--should get you by for another month or so. Nice looking pots, very sturdy with excellent drainage pattern:

.greenhousemegastore euro-pots