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I don't think they toss it off a building or anything.  I think it is slowly lowered.  The same town has goat races all summer.
Lost another one too soon ...


James was a scaling master in the Ruby programming world, and was CTO of Fetlife for years ...

Pouring one out (of this glass, into my pie) for a homie ...

LOL, wrong thread ... maybe THP can move that to my grilling thread ...

Kind of a buzz kill in the HoliDAZED thread, certainly, LOL.
Hey, I'll celebrate with ya.  I have a new case of cheapazz beer and a rack of ribs in the oven.
(true story).
JayT said:
Hey, I'll celebrate with ya.  I have a new case of cheapazz beer and a rack of ribs in the oven.
(true story).
Ok its on. I think you suck because of the ribs but oh well. I have a leftover little ceasars pizza from band rehearsal last night where I got hit in the head with a board by the bass player,True Story, No $hit,Truth :rofl:  
We had way too long of a practice last night. Took a few promo photos in the woods,which came out awesome and fine tuned 3 full 45 minute sets. We have two big gigs "for us" coming up within the moth. Everthing started good but it was just so long,lots of drinking ended up happening. I lost a 16 inch e ring. It just got up and walked off of the tom i guess?  So the night is done and we all are outside talking. Guitar player is hitting on my wife  :rofl: and bass player and me are playing around swinging some small boards around. Well I took the worst of it and have a bloody lump above my left eye :rofl:
We had to have a "band meeting" via text this morning as everyone was going to work :rofl:
Damn my head hurts,I also have blood all over right side of my shorts and all over my drums from ripping three knuckles open on hoops.  Great night.
Sounds like fun.  I wonder if anyone else is gonna join us in the celebrating of this glorious holiday.
If we havent sc ared them off theyll be here.
Actually its probably just you and me :rofl:

On a side note im not sure what im hitting my knuckles on? Just got done playing for a few miutes and I just dot know? This happens every once and a while I first think i hit them on the hoops. But i may be just hitting them on my left hand joint kinda knuckle thing on my thumb,or mayb e just severe cracking from holding my hands in such a way for a long period of time or matybe they hit the stick in my left hand / Whateber it is it sucks every time it happens. 
"whateber":   Its a homemade grill out of anything  :rofl:
i am. Also just took a pic of my eye. pic coming soon.
You better be drinking more you plate stealing S.O.B.