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Home Made Hoop Houses...What Do You Have?

I'm looking ahead to next season, and am considering building a hoop house, one that can be broken down easily, too. I'm talking "simple design". I've seen a few videos on youtube, and am wondering if anyone here has built one? Once the last frost has passed, I'll remove the plants and replant in the ground. So, I guess I will use the hoop house to get them outside earlier, and extend the season for any potted plants.

One question I have is what to do with both ends of the hoop house. I've seen some folks just pull the extra plastic sheeting together and clamp it shut. What about ventilation? Thanks.


Wind Damage^ (Think tree branches)


Snow Damage^


Jake Buckley ‏@Jakebuckley001 19 Apr
Mums greenhouse got parred by the wind the other night pic.twitter.com/XwV2OV1Glc

Wind Damage "Greenhouse Fail"

A Growing Vision - Short documentary about our growing spaces

"The failure rate for greenhouses is high and mirrors the 80 percent fail- ure rate (firms that fail to stay in business five years) of most start-up businesses."

Look for "How to Grow the Hottest Chilli in the world Things that can go wrong Part 5" By the Chilli Factory Overheated Greenhouse cooked the plants I experienced this in Canada...
Green house structure fail

The Garden Gurus - Growing Well in Greenhouses
Hoop-Houses are cheap but the plastic may need to be replaced annually or patched you should look into raised beds or smaller hoops inside your hoop-house. Look into automatic vent arms+ drip irrigation and think about a heater. Look for Mycorrhizae + Kelp+ Potash (supremegrowers).

Depends on what type of film you use... You can get professional quality film for less than $100 shipped depending on what size you need. I am almost near completion of a 12ft wide x 24ft long x 81/2ft tall hoop house that I made for around $500. This hoop house hopefully should stand up to some very strong near hurricane force winds we have here in FL during the summer.

You can vent a hoophouse without having exhaust fans etc. It just depends on how you build it. Obviously where I live I am not too concerned about cold temps for 85% of the year, so sealing it up is not too much of a concern. Both end have a 6ft wide opening where the doors will go and remain open during warm months as well as along each side. Once our cool season hits, I can close the doors and drop the sides down.

I am trying to wrap this project up this weekend so once I am finished I will post pic's of the process.
Even if you buy high end plastic it's expected to be replaced within 5 years vs Quality Lexan that is expected to last 15+ years.

If it is installed properly and maintained, you can get close to 10 years out of $100 piece of poly film. Lets say it does only last 5 years, that's $300 over 15 years as opposed to Lexan which is thousands for the same size/amount of coverage area. Unless you got money to throw away poly film is very versatile and durable.
If it is installed properly and maintained, you can get close to 10 years out of $100 piece of poly film. Lets say it does only last 5 years, that's $300 over 15 years as opposed to Lexan which is thousands for the same size/amount of coverage area. Unless you got money to throw away poly film is very versatile and durable.

$200 per large sheet from a Greenhouse Supply Place ;) 3 sheets will build your a nice size greenhouse but he want's something he can take down and put away.