yield Homegrown Produce Yield Sanitation

What do you feel are the proper ways to sanitize your yield?

Do you just rinse? Have you had a bad case of virus; stomach upset, g i issues which led you to increase your sanitation efforts?

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Sort of on topic.  The FDA advises produce be washed only right before being processed or consumed.  The reason is that if moisture gets inside things like peppers where there is open space, the perfect breeding ground is created for bacteria.  Dark and damp is bad.  Think about that the next time you go to a grocery store and see bell peppers in the place where they are being sprayed every hour or so.

Yes, we rinse our peppers but only right before we use them.  If we have it at the time, we use the commercial veggie wash.  But usually that is only for stuff we buy from the grocery store.
I rinse them and scrub the cobwebs out of the crevis' with a brush, right before I use them. The flouride from the tap is probably worse than the shit you rinse off in reality.
Walchit said:
I rinse them and scrub the cobwebs out of the crevis' with a brush, right before I use them. The flouride from the tap is probably worse than the shit you rinse off in reality.
Heheheh, I have a special tooth brush for that.  Let me tell you, when your kid steals that tooth brush you know it and fast.  Naw, just kidding. 
Thanks everyone for the reassurance. It was something that came up in conversation and got me thinking.

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Now the biosolids concept (aphids, bug eggs, caterpillar poo, etc.) is making me second-guess any salad bar.  Who knows what got tucked in those nooks and crannies.  I vote pressure washer.
Walchit said:
I rinse them and scrub the cobwebs out of the crevis' with a brush, right before I use them. The flouride from the tap is probably worse than the shit you rinse off in reality.
Fluoride? I'm in the country no public water here.
I never thought about it. Working on a farm as a kid and gardening for years, I've eaten more stuff right off the plant then I can remember. Though I do rinse before use or freezing if they make it in the house.
I just rinse with cold tap water right after I pick all my veggies. I then spread them out on a clean towel to dry so they don’t rot. If any of the peppers or tomatoes have any signs of rot on them when I pick them, they don’t make the final cut.

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