Homemade Hoop House Plans?

Ok so here is my first shot at making a homemade hoop house. I know I know, my backyard sucks! What can I say? I live in the city! get over it! LOL.. Anyways, I went to home depot and bought some wood. I could have finished the entire house today but Im only building the foundation because I spoke with my father and he told me he has extra PVC conduits lying around his house, so either later on or tomorrow morning, ill be picking up some free PVC pipes which is gonna save me a good $40. Ill keep posting as I progress my new project. I've got a lot to think about right now. I can go real advanced with this or I can just make it a regular hoop house. I dunno. We will see.




These are 2ft long pieces of 2x4 that I drove into the ground and nailed it to the wooden frame to hold the entire house to the ground.
The thing is, I dont know how crazy to get with this. I can always dig trenches and lay down some PVC pipe underground and make like a small sprinkler system inside the house so I wont have to get off my lazy butt and water my plants. I'm also thinking about some how compartmentalizing the hoop house into four sections so that I could hopefully prevent cross pollination. Kind of like the bigger camping tent that divide into two sections for privacy. These are just a few ideas off the top of my head.
i see u used nails im to lazy for that i would of used wood screws... me = lazy

also did u level out the ground im no expert just me being anal and a perfectionist. looks good so far
lol no i didnt level anything. there was a big bump towards the right side of the yard so I moved it more left, and it leveled out much better. i can see small amounts of light shining through in a couple places here and there but I figure, ill just stuff some sand underneath. whatever. with the big stakes that I drove into the ground, Im sure it wont topple over or anything.

Im not buff but im 6ft 200lbs, I drove those nails in like it was butter. What sucked was the blazing heat making me sweat. Wearing a black shirt didnt help much either. The real bitch was digging holes to put the 2x4 as stakes. Didnt know it was hard to make a deep hole with a small diameter. the dirt kept falling in. I didnt even finish and make the stake flush with the rest of the frame.