shopping Homemade Pepper Spray Recipes

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ross said:
im still confused on the pepper spray....

just carry some nagas around and smash them into peoples eyes..... or the gun thing. /shrug

The passion for cap extraction is hard to understand, I know. But it's a lot of fun.
Hmmm... what if you tried to extract capsaicin from nagas/red savinas/scotch bonnets/any one of those peppers that claim to be "the hottest pepper in the world"?

The Wikipedia stateth:

Pure capsaicin is a lipophilic colorless odorless crystalline to waxy compound.

And also, this thread (offsite) might be interesting.
I just truly hope anyone using the methods listed are quite careful. Extracted capsaicin is quite dangerous, and attempting to put it in an aerosol can...Well, let's just say I'd like to see the video. I personally know of a couple of individuals that were seriously hurt trying to distill in their houses. People, "stills" are not indoor devices, and become quite dangerous, if not explosive if you don't know what you're doing. Not to mention the various pressure cookers, consumable solvents, and dry ice we utilize in our production of extracts. Granted I am not the Dali Lama when it comes to extractions, but this being said, I do have quite a lot of experience and knowledge in doing it. Once you think you have conquered capsaicin and various extraction methods, you will be hurt by it. It's one of Nature's little double-edged swords. Personally, I would suggest just buying the extract outright, I really don't want to hear of any stories of injury from people on this forum attempting to play in Nature's Domain, and finding out why they call her a "Mother".
DEFCON Creator said:
I would suggest just buying the extract outright

Of course you want us to buy it -- you're selling it!!

Heaven forbid we should have some fun extracting cap from chilis. Cap extraction is a pleasure reserved for "special" people :( with lots of mystical knowledge. Pshaw!

BTW, there is no need for stills and distilling.
Pappy McPepper said:
Of course you want us to buy it -- you're selling it!!

Heaven forbid we should have some fun extracting cap from chilis. Cap extraction is a pleasure reserved for "special" people :( with lots of mystical knowledge. Pshaw!

BTW, there is no need for stills and distilling.

Yeah, ok. I'm not sure whether you're trying to be funny, or just don't see the entire picture. Mystical knowledge? Give me a break. Perhaps you haven't met anyone who has suffered the consequences and injuries of a 'capsaicin accident', I have, perhaps you'd feel a little different of you did as well. Yeah, I've been injured myself, even with quite a bit of hands-on knowledge and experience. Go ahead, make you aerosol can filled with extract, I'm not stopping you, but will be the first person to roll my eyes if and when things go awry. You seem to think that concentrating this stuff is all fun and games, yeah, so do kids who make their own fireworks out of black powder and PVC pipe, and wonder why one of their optical cavities went dark, when the sh*thouse blew up in their face. I have always cautioned those who wish to delve into this sort of endeavor. Yeah, I sell the stuff, so do thousands of others. In other words, your cynical point of my profit margin is laughable. It takes us months to make our special reserve, which is the reason it's only put out once or twice a year, and accidents still happen. Perhaps you should redirect your misdirected thoughts to yourself when you go to pressurize this junk. I am looking into the welfare of all the readers, and have been for quite some time in this forum. Perhaps if you looked at many of my previous posts you'd realize that. Have fun with Pandora's box pal, and remember, sometimes 'a little' knowledge is a dangerous thing.
Jalapeño said:
Hmmm... what if you tried to extract capsaicin from nagas/red savinas/scotch bonnets/any one of those peppers that claim to be "the hottest pepper in the world"?

That's why I'm interested in Naga Jolokia. However, I presume that just as much capsaicin extract (not pure cap, which is very hard to extract and very dangerous) could likewise be obtained from any chili pepper, albeit with many more capsaicinoids, and more peppers required. Naga has the advantage of more cap to start with, a higher concentration, so it's more economical and quicker to get a really hot extract.
DEFCON Creator said:
Go ahead, make you aerosol can filled with extract, I'm not stopping you ... when you go to pressurize this junk. ...

I don't remember mentioning "pressurizing" the extract anywhere! Please read more carefully. I simply spray the extract as a thin stream, very effective on attacking dogs! :(

I am looking into the welfare of all the readers, and have been for quite some time in this forum. Perhaps if you looked at many of my previous posts you'd realize that. Have fun with Pandora's box pal, and remember, sometimes 'a little' knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Please be aware that while you admit that "thousands" of people extract cap sauces, you still try to stop anyone here doing the same thing, and that since you yourself are doing it and profiting from it, the advice you give and "concern" you claim looks less than genuine. :(
Pappy McPepper said:
I don't remember mentioning "pressurizing" the extract anywhere! Please read more carefully. I simply spray the extract as a thin stream, very effective on attacking dogs! :(

Most, if not all pepper sprays on the market are pressurized, hence my thought processes in informing you of the inherent dangers of creating one yourself. Pardon me if I meant to deter you from getting hurt.

Please be aware that while you admit that "thousands" of people extract cap sauces, you still try to stop anyone here doing the same thing, and that since you yourself are doing it and profiting from it, the advice you give and "concern" you claim looks less than genuine. :(

You read a lot into things, Pap. For one, I never disclosed the entire process we use, nor would I. Nice try though. I'm also not stopping anyone from making this stuff, it's kind of hard to without physical intervention. I am, and always have, merely pointing out the dangers associated with this form of venture. Trust me on this, but I am truly not concerned whether you see me as less than genuine or not. I know I am genuine in what I say, and there are many on this forum and many others that know it as well. Not to mention the fact I have backed up all my words with actual product to prove it. The comical comment about my concern for others not being genuine is even more laughable, oh yeah, you're new here. It is becoming quite apparant that you haven't a clue as to how we produce our extract, as it is different from virtually all other extracts out there, tasteless and aftertasteless, unlike most that leave a metallic and/or bitter taste. As for profiting from it, you once again are devoid of facts. With the time, effort and materials we put into our extracts and the above average packaging and very limited amount of harvest, we're barely breaking even with them, it's more of a passion for us, a passion we enjoy sharing with others. So before you start some baseless diatribe of condescending foolishness, please know what you're talking about, especially if you are "attempting" to question my integrity, as you obviously haven't a clue regarding anything about me. Oh, and by the way, our extracts aren't "sauces". LOL!
Pappy McPepper said:
Please be aware that while you admit that "thousands" of people extract cap sauces, you still try to stop anyone here doing the same thing, and that since you yourself are doing it and profiting from it, the advice you give and "concern" you claim looks less than genuine. :(

He's not trying to corner the market on the stuff(from you or anybody else) or be a spoil-sport, he's just merely warning that this stuff can be some nasty sh*t and to be careful, especially since he's had run-ins with the stuff.
DEFCON Creator said: we produce our extract, as it is different from virtually all other extracts out there, tasteless and aftertasteless, unlike most that leave a metallic and/or bitter taste.... With the time, effort and materials we put into our extracts and the above average packaging and very limited amount of harvest, we're barely breaking even with them, it's more of a passion for us, a passion we enjoy sharing with others.

Way to go, hijack this thread and turn it into an opportunity to hawk your products. Sheez!

Hey, we've got the message: you don't like us creating extracts. Thanks, now move on. You also intend keeping any knowledge about cap extracts a secret, because it's making you money. Ooops, no that's not right, you're just "barely breaking even" but you'll keep it a secret anyway. Riiiight.
Sickmont said:
He's not trying to corner the market on the stuff(from you or anybody else) or be a spoil-sport, he's just merely warning that this stuff can be some nasty sh*t and to be careful, especially since he's had run-ins with the stuff.

If you re-read this thread, you'll see I pointed out that capsaicin can be dangerous. Apparently you and Defcon think that more warnings are warranted.

Do you know that capsaicin is used in numerous medical procedures to cure people of various maladies? Go to PubMed and type in "capsaicin" -- see the thousands of papers that turn up. It's pretty marvelous stuff.

And yes, I do think Mr Defcon has commercial motives. If he can point to even one case (with a suitable link) of anyone suffering real harm from making cap extract, I'll apologize for that comment.

Look folks, another drive-by newbie. Perhaps you've missed the literally hundreds of posts I've made regarding helping others start up a hot sauce company, the logistics involved, FDA guidelines, state by-laws, marketing strategies, chemical makeups for stable shelf life, different additives the plusses and minuses, numerous ideas on uses for peppers, etc.....Oh, but wait, why would I do that, I am trying to corner the hot sauce market, LOL! You might want to have the doctor remove that extra chromosome, it's not very becoming.

Sorry newbie, your inane rantings are nothing more. Your feeble attempt at sarcasm is quite funny, but I feel you are merely trying to cover up your own personal shortcomings. :rolleyes:

It is kind of pathetic to attack someone because they have a good deal of first hand knowledge of a hazardous situation, and berate them for giving caution to others, obviously not knowing the first thing they are attacking the said person about. And to top it off, claiming, in some nonsensicle fashion that that same person is a liar because they share their product with others and not make very much money with it. Sorry Pappy, I've also donated a lot of stuff to charity as well. Perhaps this is an ideal you aren't equipped to understand. Now, follow the doctors orders, and get back on your meds, reality is just around the corner.
Referring to the thread I cited above, of course, it's also littered with Mr Defcon warnings, the main one seemingly relating to the explosion of distillation equipment. Firstly, you don't need to distill the extract unless you want to highly concentrate it for sale. For my purposes that would not be necessary. Secondly, you can simply evaporate the solvent rather than distill it, which is slow and not practical for commercial enterprises that "just break even" :rolleyes: , but good enough for a casual extractor. Lastly, I recommend that all of this gets done OUTDOORS.
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