HOP TEA!!!!!

So, after a night of drinking I’ve decided to sit back with a nice cup of soothing tea….hop tea that is!!! I went out and took two ripe (well, almost ripe) cones off my Cascade hop plant and threw them in some boiling water.

The result (after a little bit of honey) is a slightly bitter but citrusy and floral brew that’s going to help me sleep tonight. What’s your favorite tea?

I like the citrusy ones, as long as i don't put milk in it. What on earth gave you the idea to do this iggy?
Novacastrian said:
What on earth gave you the idea to do this iggy?
It's an old herbal remidy for sleeplessness. Thought I might give it a go and I slept great last night. Only woke up once (instead of four).

Sickmont said:
I usually do Earl Grey, or occasionally i go for some of the colors like a nice red or green tea.
Earl Grey is my favorite. I started drinking it because of Captain Juan Luc Picard. "Tea. Hot. Earl Grey."
oo! thanks for the reminder.

I used to have some hops around here somewhere...but fresh grown would be so much nicer than the oens they sell down the street at the health food store. pity the brewing store is so far out in the county.....
imaguitargod said:
. What’s your favorite tea?

Hell thats an easy one.....

I have 2 make that 3 favorite teas
1. Twisted Tea
2. Long Island Iced Tea
3. my homemade hard Iced Tea
Dyce51 said:
Hell thats an easy one.....

I have 2 make that 3 favorite teas
1. Twisted Tea
2. Long Island Iced Tea
3. my homemade hard Iced Tea


Iggy, you should have put some lemon and whiskey in with that. Along with the honey, sounds like you'd have a great Hot Totty ;)